What Breed


5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
I got the eggs and was told they were easter eggers but they look nothing like my other easter eggers. No puffy cheeks and a couple look like giants compared to the others. Beautiful birds just curious.

Were the eggs colored? Ya, they really don't look like the usual EEs, even though EEs are mixes so they can look like pretty much everything depending on what breeds they were using, with the black roosters in your pictures, since at least one has feathered feet and both look to have single combs, maybe they are Marans mixes and somebody was making olive eggers using Marans?
Were the eggs colored? Ya, they really don't look like the usual EEs, even though EEs are mixes so they can look like pretty much everything depending on what breeds they were using, with the black roosters in your pictures, since at least one has feathered feet and both look to have single combs, maybe they are Marans mixes and somebody was making olive eggers using Marans?
Ya the eggs were blue. I know EE are kinda a mix up the first ones I bought and hatched came in every color but black then I ordered these and they all hatched out black a couple have feathering on the legs and some don't.
He looks a lot like my 4 month old rooster Dolan. He came from a blue egg also. He is a mix between an EE hen and a blue french maran rooster.

We hatched him out with two others that were hens. All came from the same hen and rooster. and only one has the fluffy cheeks.
We got Dolan who is black, Pipi who is brown with EE looks, and Whirlwind who is black and white. ALL HAVE THE SAME PARENTS. Its so cool how they are all different. Out of three only one looks like an EE and they all came from green eggs.


My guess is someone was going for olive eggers. Basically makes them mixed breed cockerels.

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