What Breeds are considered for Fly Tying

Check the Bass Pro Shops catalog, they sell skins with feathers for fly tying, a view of that might give you som ideas.

A friend had Red and Yellow golden pheasants roosters for fly tying as well as chickens, he found that chickens don't develop that bright a color as the pheasants.
the only thing you have to worry about with gamebirds in pa is if you plan to sell trade or give away any gamebirds that live in a wild state anywhere in PA. You don't need the permit unless you are selling or otherwise bartering chinese ringneck, northern bobwhite quail, eastern wild turkey or ruffed grouse. there may be a few other breeds/species on that list but those are the most common. I have done the research because I wanted to raise quail and pheasants for profit. a good site for info would be www.thatquailplace.com they even have a good message board, there are alot of great members there with alot of knowlege. wilds of pa, hinkjc's husband on here knows the laws in detail since he raises and sells turkey and pheasant eggs and birds. He is a great guy and knows his stuff.

Crele Penedesencas have bright straw-barred hackle and saddle feathers that are of decent size. I read this article about a man who was searching for penedesencas for fly tying as he really liked the straw barring and used to import the feathers. I can't for the life of me find the article now


My roo is pretty young in this photo, now hiis feathers have grown in all the way.

Found the article.... http://www.flytyingworld.com/cree_hackle.htm
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If I where to get the loose feathers that have fallen off how much can you sell them for fly tying? I dont know how to fly tie as I only do saltwater and freshwater fishing. I learned fly fishing but never did it
Maybe this will help you.

Black Australorp- Black saddles and necks for ants, wooly buggers, crickets ect.

Barred Rock - Grizzly saddles and necks required for many many fly patterns

Rhode Island Red- Ginger saddles and necks for royal wulffs dark cahills ect.

White Rocks - White saddle and hackles for many of the mayfly patterns and my personal favorite the white wooly bugger.

Blue andulusian- for patterns that need dun hackle

The english game cocks are really great for spiceing up dry flys or to use in place of having to mix different colors of hackle

Meyer hatchery sells a really great rooster assortment called the fry pan special that will have many of the types of cockerels you need

hope this helps

I've responded to some of your post above. My reponses are in bold. I mean you (and your dad) no disrepect what-so-ever. I have been tying flies for over 20 years and I have been raising chickens for the same amount of time. There is a reason why there are under 12 commercial fly tying feather farms in the world. If fly tiers perfered barn yard chickens the largest of these farms would not have 4 million in sales every year.

It is true that you can tie with any feather and make great flies that catch fish. However you can only use so many for yourself and if you try to sell any you will quickly find that barn yard chicken feather don't sell very well compared to "genetic hackle".

By the way, I have no connection to Theriault farms other than being a customer so I'm not making any money by linking to them. Just trying to help. Don't be offended, most people don't have the resolve to raise such speciality birds, they take A LOT of care.
Thanks for all the info folks.
jns_binford, great list of birds and fly material. I'm not looking to start a business off of this, but if I can get some material for myeself and some friends that would be what I am looking to do, but the idea of getting some "genetic hackle" type birds would be interesting, they look pretty cool too!

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