"What breeds are my cockerels?" said the noob.


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 1, 2014
I did My first ever hatch back in August of a wacky assortment of eggs and now that the guys and gals are becoming obvious, it's time to rehome some cockerels before the drama starts. I'm new to the chicken game, so I need your help to figure what breeds these handsome young gents are!

Here's lucky contestant number one, aka, "Jonathan." This early bloomer is a friendly and clever charmer, crowing at barely two months! He sports a large brilliant red single comb, bright yellow legs, and glossy feathers in iridescent greenish purplish black, dark red, rust, and fiery orange. At hatch he looked like a chipmunk, dark red with two cream stripes running from beak to tail.

Meet man number two, aka, "Gabe." Gabe is a charming, treat-loving mystery bird, possibly a mix of two or more breeds. He is pumpkin pie orange all over with darker red, shiny hackle, saddle, and wing feathers. He wears a triple row pea comb and modest wattles well. And he shows off his golden yellow legs and glossy greenish-blackish tail with a proud strut whenever he gets the chance, whether anyone is looking or not!

Cockerel number three -- "Justin" -- is a bit camera shy... Make that a bit shy in general. His coloration patterns remind me of a Delaware hen, Ethyl, I had once, may she rest in peace. He has a small pink single comb, and small pink wattles to match, plus petite yellow feet. He hatched very small and has stayed small compared to the others, once acting as landlord and mentor to a fresh batch of banties half his age but the same size. Justin has been slow to mature, growing pointy cream hackle feathers and just starting some greenish-blackish tail feathers recently (much later than his peers hatched at the same time). He is the only black and white bird I have. Based on his personality, I'm thinking maybe some sort of game fowl? Please excuse my pathetic attempts to get some tail shots; he does NOT like being singled out.

I caught our fourth and final fella taking a dust bath. "Hey, can I get some privacy here, lady?!" "John" is participating proudly in No Shave November, wearing a fluffy beard. John has a single comb (Or is that a pea comb with only one row of peas? Hard to tell.) and yellow legs. He comes to your screens in a variety of earth tones (red, rust, orange, browns, blacks, golds, creams, and tans). He has gotten more as more handsome lately with sharp black hackle feathers, a gold laced looking black tail, and red saddle feathers just popping up.

So what do you veteran chicken parents think? This was my first ever hatch and I'm eager to know what I got! And I'm hoping wherever they roam, these gents will make good roos for flocks of happy hens.
Assuming your eggs you hatched were pure and not really having a list to narrow things down from here are my best guesses
#1 Welsummer
#2 Rose comb RIR
#3 Delaware
#4 Easter Egger (EE)

1st= welsummer cockerel

2nd= not sure looks like a mixed breed

3rd= agreed a delawere

4th= could be an easter egger but i think it might be a gold or wheaten araucana cockerel.

Other than the fourth i agree with everyone else :)
Assuming your eggs you hatched were pure and not really having a list to narrow things down from here are my best guesses
#1 Welsummer
#2 Rose comb RIR
#3 Delaware
#4 Easter Egger (EE)

1=Welsummer cock
2=Mix breed cock
3=Delaware cock
4=EE cock


1st= welsummer cockerel

2nd= not sure looks like a mixed breed

3rd= agreed a delawere

4th= could be an easter egger but i think it might be a gold or wheaten araucana cockerel.

Other than the fourth i agree with everyone else

I also agree.
Thank you so much everyone! I'd been poring through the breeds section trying to match pictures, but this answered my questions perfectly!

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