What breeds do I have? And genders?


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
I know I have some leghorns- 2 had extremely large combs, as in they flopped over. Come to find out, one we slaughtered (we thought it was a rooster and we don't want a bunch of roosters) was a pullet!!! It had a small egg in it. Go figure huh?

Here are some pictures of the chickens. I have a couple easter eggers was wondering if they were pullets or cockerels.


This is supposedly a laying hen- she lays light bluish eggs. He gave her some funky name I'd never heard of and can't find anywhere. Was curious if she is just an Easter Egger?

Another Easter Egger:

Game hen cross???

This one was a pullet!!!!

And is this a Barred Rock rooster??? A friend told me it was- but the guy told me it was an older laying hen.

I have more to post- but I'm pretty sure they are hens. The red easter egger has a bigger comb than the other and seems to have more curved tail feathers.

Thanks in advance!
I have figured out all the leghorns are pullets. Hard lesson learned! Don't slaughter unless you're for sure!!!!

How can you tell on the easter egger??? I assumed on the Barred cause he chortles instead of bawking and clucking. He just sounded different. I think he's too pretty to eat (hubby laughed at me) so we're going to keep him around, I just don't want more than one of course since they share a yard.
He is a nice looking Barred Rock for sure!

On the red EE: his comb size/color and tail shape give hints of the male gender.

Keep in mind that this is my best educated guess, and I've been wrong before.
Yes his comb is a tad larger than the other one and he has "looser" tail feathers that hang at the tips. Well go figure huh? That's okay- at least I got mostly pullets- and the guy threw the barred in for free so I can't complain.
Ok more pics- Cockerels, roosters or hens, pullets??? (A couple I am pretty certain are hens- but just want to be sure)







You must understand that "production" leghorn pullets will have a large flop over comb. Further I have some so called Delaware hens that I thought were roos because of their combs until I saw them lay an egg.
I've learned that now- someone who had some show leghorns as a kid told me they were roos... and I shouldn't have taken it as gospel. The others don't seem to have any long feathers developing, most are nice and short and round so I'm pretty sure all the leghorns are pullets. I am really questioning the two red EEs though.

The man said all of them were anywhere from 5-9 mos old. What is typical egg laying age for EEs and leghorns? My GCs are almost 5 mos and already laying. The one leghorn pullet we mistakingly slaughtered was producing eggs.

Unfortunately I am new into chickens and have taken the seller's word. Supposedly my BR cockerel was an older hen that was no longer laying that he gave me so we could slaughter.
You always take a risk when buying from unknown "farmers". Let this be a lesson. Do some research or be prepared to do a lot of culling. On second thought be prepared to do a lot of culling no matter what.
I have pics of Delawares on my wall and they will be the look I'll shoot for. Anyone sells me a bird that isn't right and they'll be the ones I'll shoot for. Just kidding.
Many of the Mediterranean breeds pullets have floppy combs NOT the Roosters they are very straight..So if it has white ears and a floppy comb plan on it laying an egg
Leghorns will begin laying around 4 months in ideal conditions but I don't have those..heat humidity rain etc so mine are always laying by 5 months.And the Roo's well I have some 7 weeks old already trying to sound like the big boys..those Mediterranean boys let you know young
Best rule UNTIL IT CROWS and your not sure don't eat it

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