What breeds to get?

Isaac 0

7 Years
Jul 19, 2016
I will most likely get more chickens next spring but i don't know what to get i have no acceptation just a nice friendly chicken i want new breeds not ones i already have(You can see what i have on my bio thing) I heard silkies are good but they can get frostbite on there feet because of the fur.Any post will be appreciated
Get Sebrights! If you mess with them when they are young, they are very friendly. They are very quirky and spazzy, but in an adorable way. They make me laugh all of the time. They are also very graceful and pretty. Absolute favorite. If not those, Old English Game Bantams are sweet and beautiful too. Usually.
Thanks will look into them
My family says they are too goofy, but I love them. They are very quick moving with really long necks, so they give you the impression of doves or pigeons, but they are not crazy flighty like leghorns. One of my first chickens was a buff laced Sebright hen I named Dove, she was my favorite chicken ever. The Buff laced are less hardy as chicks, but they seem to be the sweetest when they get older, The gold laced tend to be a bit flightier in my experience of all the colors they come in.
Golden Laced Wyandottes, Black Sex Links, Red Sex Links, Delawares, Cochins, Brahmas, and Faverolles are a few common, friendly breeds that would compliment your existing flock very nicely. If you want something a bit more exotic, look into Hamburgs, Polish, Sumatras, or bantams such as d'Uccles, OEGBs, Seramas, or Bantam Cochins.

Silkies do not get frostbite easily, mainly because they are so heavily feathered. Skinny, large combed breeds like Leghorns or Andalusians are much more susceptible. However, because of their small size and docile nature, Silkies can be open to bullying by larger birds. To some extent all bantams may face this issue, but Silkies in particular do not do well in mixed standard-bantam flocks.
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I love my silkies so much and I haven't experienced frostbite yet (fingers crossed!). Your can anways put Vaseline on their feet if you do. My favorite breeds are silkies, polish, brahmas and Easter eggers.

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