What can bring back to health an Anemic chicken

I caught mite-caused anemia in two roos, and dosed them with Ivermectin, then alternated that with spraying with permethrin. The mites are gone, but am still reversing the anemia. I have been feeding the roos a mix of brown rice, banana, plain yogurt and blackstrap molasses. One roo is back to his old self now, the other is still recovering but starting to get some color in his comb and wattles. My hens don't seem to have a problem with mites or lice because they dust bathe frequently. The roos seem not to, for some reason, so I will have to pre-emptively treat them for mites at regular intervals. If I use Ivermectin, then hopefully that will be when I worm them every couple of months (instead of piperazine), as that should knock out the mites and worms.

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