What can come through 2x4 fence ?

I have seen a (young?) raccoon going through a 2"x4" welded fence opening. My duck pen ceiling (with a roof) has 2"x4" fence on the top. I thought it was very secure. Almost 13 years later, I found raccoon poops in the pen. One night before lights turning out, I saw the raccoon eating duck feed while the duck was about 5 feet away. They look like friends! I used a shovel to pinch the raccoon on the wall but did not kill it. I slowly let it go and it went through the 2"x4" opening and then out through the eave. The welds were not compromised.
I have since added 1/2" hardware cloth on the eave so far so good.
I have seen possum do this in the same situation. Not babies, but big fat full grown possum. Good luck

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