*Graphic* Be warned. Unidentified chicken killer - 6 of my 18 dead- need help to identify to catch it! Graphic details & photos.

IT does not look like any hawk or owl predation at all! 2x4 horse fence is good only to keep out dogs that don't climb. Minks, Martins and Weasels can slip right through the openings. Most predators if their skull will squeeze through they can get in! It could be a variety of different mammals attacking by going under or pushing through a gap. It looks kind of like domestic feral cat damage. Foxes will come back and finish off the carcass or drag it to a out of sight location to share with the older kits. Minks usually kill more than one and will only eat the choice parts often just the organs heart , liver and a bit of the head or neck, and seldom a lot of the carcass flesh and often only from just one bird often ignoring the other victims. Covering the 2x4 wire with 1" poultry wire and enclosing the top with both will help. Electric fencing is good. Best wishes for your birds!

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