What can I feed him?

Bocktobery 10

10 Years
Oct 8, 2010
So, here’s the story... had a hen sitting on a clutch of eggs. Only one hatched. This was 4 to 5 weeks ago. I moved the hen and the single chick to a separate sizable brooder indoors where it was quiet and no risk of death or injury towards the chick from the flock. ( the chick had a peck mark under his eye and near his ear, this is why I moved him and momma)

All was fine until about the 4th week. I heard the chick screaming and the momma was going nuts on him, chasing him and pecking at him. So I intervened and removed the chick from the momma hen. She didn’t seem to care and the chick quickly imprinted on me. I put the hen back with the flock. She didn’t seem concerned about the chick at all.

So now I have the little fellow (it’s a roo) and it’s acting rather stir crazy. It wants to stay close to me- like on my lap, shoulder, chest if I’m laying down and it’s not eating, but rather scratching at my skin and clothing as if it were outside looking for food- like what chickens do all day. I will try and give it food- but he will not eat. It’s like that’s not what he wants, but he seems hungry. There are no visible injuries, he looks and acts fine...is pooping here and there, but I’m concerned about this behavior. I can’t leave him alone for a few moments, he starts screaming. When he’s with me, he’s crawling all over me, peppy, happy, darling as it is, but I can’t be around all the time I’ve got work to do.

I don’t know what to do with him. Has anyone ever dealt with a lone chick before? I thought about rehomeing him, but he might have imprinted. A diaper on him might work better for me, but he’s too small yet. I just don’t understand why the foods I’m offering he doesn’t want. Normally, any chick would scarf it down. As the new mother hen I’m kind of getting frustrated myself! Any thoughts, suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
Oh, I should note- his adult feathers are coming in right now too. He preens himself a lot. Could this cause an irritated mood just how chickens get when molting?

He is a silkie feathered.
  • Having one lone chick doesn't really work well, since the chick will imprint on you rather than being content with flock-mates. I suggest you get him a few buddies--otherwise you're going to have to spend a lot of time with him so he doesn't feel lonely.
  • He should be eating starter/grower chicken feed at the moment. What are you currently feeding him?
Chickens are a flock animal so usually having just one doesn't work too well. What are you feeding him? I would find a crumble feed that's suited for his age, which is a chick feed or grower feed. You can put some water in it and make it into a mash with the consistency of oatmeal, which most chicks love. If you're offering other foods, he needs to be getting grit on the side so he can digest his food properly. Chickens like to scratch and forage so I don't think keeping him in the house is a great choice just because he will never get to do what chickens are meant to do... Forage.
Thank you all for responding!

I was feeding him medicated crumbles for chicks. But he wasn’t interested so much in that either...sorry, I realize now I didn’t make that clear. I also mixed polenta with smashed oats... yes, putting a bit of water in with it helps. He’d nibble at that a little bit, but stop. I still don’t see him eating so much. He doesn’t poop as much either.

I have introduced him to the flock (since taking them away) He seems very keen to meet all the others, but them, chickens being chickens, not to interested in being friendly with him. I’m taking him outside a few times a day to forage, which he does do. (I sit there with him) I am assuming, hopefully rightly so, that he’s getting grit when he forages.

I have brought back the momma to be with him here and there. Bedtime was too trying to go it alone, so having her in there with him was good... It worked well overnight, but by early morning she was attacking again.

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