What can I grow to feed my chickens?

Okay, so I put the oats and lentils in the crockpot last night, and dished it up for the chickens this morning, with leftover cooked sweet potatoes and white potatoes. The black australorps went nuts over it, fighting over the choicest pieces. The eggers looked at it, and went back to scratching. They seem to prefer the pellets unless I handfeed them things like bread or toss out tortillas or cereal.

Any ideas on how to get the eggers to eat their oatmeal?!?!?!
Why not just feed whole oats? I also feed whole sprouted and or fermented oats. Chickens LOVE oats!! Cooking is not needed, a lot of work, and the chickens will eat plain uncooked oats just fine.
I do actually toss them whole oats to scratch for but was hoping they'd like the warm oatmeal because it's been so cold here.

They don't really care, do they? Is it more a human thing?

I can buy whole oats pretty cheap (cheaper than at wally world for humans!). Good idea. Thanks.

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