what can I put my roo in to move him about 1 hour away??


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
I have a rooster that went aggressive on me and I need to get rid of him someone is going to take him this Saturday but my dog crate is being used (by a broody) and we are meeting halfway for both of us, he will be traveling about an hour. What can I put him in? Would a big cardboard box work if I put air holes in it and put bedding and stuff down?
I don't see why not? Just tape it shut a bit - I can't imagine anyone wants a mad rooster to come flying out of the cardboard box in the car with them!
Cardboard box with holes, sounds great. I wouldn't bother with bedding or anything else for an hour or so. The dark will help keep him quiet, also.
K thanks i think i will but A bit of wood shavings in there though just so he doesn't slide around a whole bunch...

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