What can you put on the top of a 4' fence to keep birds in?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
Just built my coop this spring and want to let them range in my side yard. I have 4' cyclone fences. Anything I can add to the top to keep them from flying over?
I've experimented... We want to confine ours to a back pasture. Mine fly over a 4 food fence like it's a little jump to play with. And I have the heavy breeds. We need to eventually fix all our fences and what I want to do is do a five foot with the top being one strand of wire. In my experience trying (and failing) to keep them put when the top of the fence is one strand of wire they don't fly over it as well because there's nothing stable for them to land on them boost off of.
I have a 1200mm plastic wire fence so I think that about 4 foot? and they don't jump that but they do jump the one spot there is a rail to stand on so I'd agree, if they can't jump it in two steps by stopping half way on the top rail they are less likely to jump over.
The problem with cyclone fences is that they typically have a top rail and that is inviting as a roost bar. I have field fence and the only place that was inviting were the rails of the gates. Adding a wire along the top of the fence is your quickest and cheapest option. You can try clipping a wing on each bird but sometimes that does not work. If you have a heavy breed, they will likely not be a problem getting over the fence when full grown. Mine stay in a 4 ft. field fence fine.

I let mine free range in my whole yard which has a 4' fence. I just clip their wings and give them treats so they know that the yard is a good place to stay. Ive never had one escape
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My fence is roughly 5' tall this is what I have done to just one wing to through them off balance if you clip some secondary feathers on the wing it may work for you. Caution make sure there is not blood int the shaft of the feather when you clip or your bird may bleed to death otherwise no problem.


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