What causes bood rings?

And there you have your answer. Dead embryo. Discard the egg.
Lol. I knew that part. I guess my question was ambiguous. I am sorry.

Does anyone know what causes it, and how can I prevent it?
I lurk the incubating and hatching eggs threads to learn as I haven't summoned the courage to try incubating yet. Have started making the incubator though. So I don't have any practical experience.

I have read that some breeders feed a different diet to the hens when they plan to collect for hatching. I just haven't been able to determine which components are increased. protein, vit/minerals, fats, calories . . . . I'm thinking that most people don't know to do this to get better hatching and survival rates. GL
Commonly it is said bacteria causes it, not sure myself.

Many highly sterilize/sanitize the incubator before attempting a hatch and try tot handle the eggs as little as possible, etc etc-

I try not to set eggs with improper blood (to high or too low) or cracked/ damaged eggs. I do handle my eggs but I wo wash hands before and after.

of a total of 48 eggs I've only had two blood rings.
I have clean fresh eggs collected from the same location and/or the same hen. Some will do that (very few) while the rest will be fine. I don't know the scientific causes; I just know it is a part of the process that is to be expected to some extent. I wouldn't be too concerned unless this was a frequent occurrence or a high percentage.

Did it happen around day 10?
Try something new one at a time, so you can identify where the problem is

Make sure you are feeding a complete and balanced food, vitamin and mineral deficiencies commonly cause poor hatch rates.

Incubation/storage temps/humidity?

Are the duds coming from the same hen? (physiological problem)
I don't candle often because I'm already handling my eggs so much, But I get it day 8-10, never had one after that time, but my % bloodring is small.

(come to think of it they -might- have been from the same hen...)

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