What causes coop fires?


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Quebec, Canada
This may sound stupid, but I am wondering what are the main causes of fires in coop? I read that many coops have caught fire when trying to heat/light them.

I was wondering if it was, for example, the electrical wire going through the wall, the chickens that peck the wires, the hay too close to the heat source, the light bulb falling in the hay.. etc.

I was thinking of wiring and insulating the coop as we did for the house. I would put the outlet near the top of the coop and protect it by a little cover. I would protect my light bulb with a wired cage to be sure the chickens can't touch it. I will make sure the wire from the outlet to the bulb is either hidden in the closed wall OR protected by a box..althought it will probably not prevent "flying" lost features from going ON the bulb.. and I was wondering if that was dangerous (it sounds so, to me..).

I wasn't thinking of heating my coop, but I would surely like to have some light. I don't think they will have fun to be in the dark all the time. Even though I will have some opening, it will remain darker in the coop, and I will probably appreciate the light when I go clean and feed, considering that in winter time I only see daylight when I'm sitting at my desk at the office :S

Usually it's from the bulb coming in contact with or being too close to flammable material while trying to HEAT a coop

It's a lot more rare for the wiring alone to cause a fire
Oh ok, so I should be fine if my bulb is at about 5 feet height, and far from the roosters and poop boards, I suppose.

What about flying features, is that dangerous? I am not even sure if the chickens loose a lot, and if they flap their wings enough to make the features end up on the bulb but.. I was worried about that as well.

Thanks a lot.
The couple I know about personally were thought to have been caused by having heat lamps that were not attached properly and fell down / chickens knocked them down and they hit the bedding.
I hate to admit it, but I will use extension cords and trouble lights, which I know is asking for trouble. But, barn wiring should be run in metal conduit, especially if you have rodent problems, and light bulbs around animals should have covers, something like this.
oh ok! That is what I mean by wired cage, but I didn't know some of those had a glass cage also!

Problem solved, thanks.

Good point for metal wiring.. I'm going to get it done by a professionnal (I am super scared of fire lol) but I will surely make sure he uses metal!
I know this is an old thread but I just installed lights in my coop and it really bothers me that we had to use extension cord. I'm no electrician but it'll be spring before we can afford a professional to come out. Here's my set up, I've done my best to try and head off as many problems as possible. All connections, v even though I bought a set and connectors were made for it, were wrapped in electrical tape. The lights themselves were mounted to lumber to give stability. Plugs were encased in a box so any curious hen could not muck with the lines. Boxes were mounted with rubber washers to the walls away from roosts. I'm thinking I'll need to buy all the supply for an electrician to keep this job affordable, see if a guy will take pity and charge me just for labor.
The cage light I've seen in ag supply magazines, someone said home Depot, where else might one find these for cheap? What gauge wire am I looking for by the spool, and does it come already presheathed in the metal covering? How deep a trench will I need to dig?
There's a McCoy's and a metal works/warehouse nearby, as well as the basic city stuff like Lowe's home Depot atwoods and tractor supply.
Thanks all for suggestions and party on my wonderful chicken people


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