What causes this? Wrinkly egg...pic


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Lake Oswego
Lately I have one chicken (one year old prod red) who is having shell making problems. She has had several thin shells and a couple of wrinkled shells, like the one pictured below. I am not going to cull her because of this but would like to know if this is genetic or is there something I can do. All the other hens lay nice thick shelled eggs. She gets plenty of calcium.
There are 3 things that come to mind: If it's too hot, sometimes this can cause mishapen eggs, and is only temporary. There could be some sort of problem in her oviduct causing the wrinkling/mishapen eggs. The final thing could possibly be infectious bronchitis virus which causes wrinkled eggs, but there are other symptoms along with this disease. Imp provided an excellent link regarding mishapen eggs.

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