What chicken breed do you consider the most naturally camouflaged from predators?


10 Years
Dec 31, 2011
Did internet search and all you get is that the Speckled Sussex has some camouflage, there is also the belief that darker feathered chickens have the advantage over white chickens. Any thoughts? Will feather pattern hide chickens from racoons, foxes and hawks?

I guess it depends on the habitat and what sort of predators. White silkies would be well camouflaged in the arctic winter

But seriously, I don't think having a more cryptic feather pattern can hurt. Hawks are going to key in on the movement though even if the color of the birds blends into the background. And predators like foxes rely as much on smell as they do visual cues.
Did internet search and all you get is that the Speckled Sussex has some camouflage, there is also the belief that darker feathered chickens have the advantage over white chickens. Any thoughts? Will feather pattern hide chickens from racoons, foxes and hawks?

Have you ever heard talk of that if you let a bunch of rouge chickens roam about that in just a few generations they will eventually return to their wild type plumage(gold or silver duck-wing/partridge patterns) ie..Jungle fowl, BBred game,or brown leghorn patterns>. I believe this as true its not so much these patterns are dominant it that these are the most likely to survive in the wild and procreate with each other after time. Also too I could see where say a barred pattern would be more cammoed (think Zebra here), and yes speckled/mille fleur would also be a good cammo broken pattern too. Now as the other poster stated when it comes to predators with good snooters like the fox, coon, 'possums and such the birds had just better be good at getting into spots that are safe from these type of critters. Yeah I could see a white silkie in Alaska hiding for a Harrier by cammoing out in the snow, but a Polar bear is gonna have a good chicken dinner if he comes along, Also not too many lighter colored birds can escape the night vision of Owls when roosting in trees(The silent killer) they claim an owl can knock a chicken off a limb and catch it in the air before it hits the ground, I believe this to be so very likely.

So if I made any sense at all in all this mumbo jumbo study up on it, LOL

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There is much merit to a camouflaged chickens. Several breeds like the Chantecler started out as white birds for better meat carcass then were breed to buff for better camouflage free ranging. A white bird stands out to hawks and eagles. Partridge pattern is a better all round cover, especially along woodlands and tall grass.
Most mammal predators have a pretty good sense of smell, and scent is likey to be their best clue when hunting dinner. Most birds (vultures being an exception) do not have a good sense of smell, but they ALL have exceptional vision. Much broader spectrum (into the UV), and what some call an additional dimension than what humans have (diferent types of receptors in the eye). I don't know that we can adequately determine what would be the best camouflage--simply because we do not see in as many colours, with the focused precision or as broad a spectrum as hawks and other bird predators. All that said, different environments would call for different types of camouflage.

If you look at soldiers' camouflage uniforms, there are a variety of camouflage patterns, and depending on where they are deployed, they will have different types of camouflage paterns. Jungle camouflage does not provide any visual protection in snowy conditions, and arctic camouflage would not providew protection in a woodlands. Green, grassy meadows would need a far different visual protection than would sandy desert.
If you do not want your chickens eaten by predators- close them up in a barn or house that is predator proof. This means there is no way a predator can get to them. A very tight building like a house a person would live in- concrete or wood floors with regular home construction in the walls and roof. No open windows- windows must be covered with glass and heavy welded wire fencing or hardware cloth. The doors must be tight- like in a house.

I'm going to go with the Swedish flower hen. They blend in well, in fact I think if you took a black and white picture of them in leaves or brush you'd probably gave trouble making them out. You also want a very alert breed and one that doesn't have a big crest.
You also want a very alert breed and one that doesn't have a big crest.

Hee hee
I'm terrible, but that made me think of my bantam Polish hen. I periodically trim her crest but the poor thing can barely find her own feet half the time. Cute? hell yes Practical? not so much
Gold-laced patterns. In my yard we have alot of trees and alot of leaves on the ground. I literally could not see my golden seabright when she was right in front of me, lol.

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