what chickens are best for large eggs and being friendly

I think a lot of it has to do with how they're raised.

3 years ago I got 6 chickens
Black Australorp, Light Brahma, buff orphington, Barred Rock - all are friendly, will eat out of my hand, squat, but aren't lap chickens
Brown Leghorn - more skittish, but will eat from my hand
Araucana (though may be an Americauna or Easter Egger) - she is very friendly, she'll jump up on my lap or shoulder or back. She is my special needs chicken though, she has a crooked beak and I'd fed her from a bowl when she was young, so she got a lot more attention than the others, so this may be why she's much friendlier. Now, it's not too fun when I got out in my work clothes to let them out of the coop and feed them and the Araucana jumps up on my back with her dirty feet.

I got 5 new ones this year, who are now 10 weeks old.
Speckled Sussex, Golden Comet, Buckeye, Rhode Island Red and a white Americauna (may be easter egger or araucana). Of them, the White Americauna is the friendliest. She'll jump up into my hand. The golden Comet seems to also like being held, whereas the sussex and RIR seemed to tolerate it. The Buckeye didn't care for it.
Well I certainly have a few breeds to look into. Thanks all for all of your helpful info.

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