What chickens have the best flying ability?

Ok that helps alot. I will check out that list and see what I like. I like seramas, sebrights, and OEGB but I will defently check out that list.

Yes! Indeed. I have 3 myself and I know someone who ships eggs,If you want,I can PM you. I might be able to send some. They're beautiful,just like the large fowl,and little too! 48 ounces I believe! (I'll have to check) They can be expensive. (25 a piece for some) But they're worth it! They're awesome jungle fowl,and they can fly higher than OEGB,or atleast from what I've seen.

Seramas may not be the best choice,with size A cocks at 11 ounces,they are easily killed by rats. I had one who got killed by a small rat,which was suprising. Also racoons and other predators will also take them as an easy meal.
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Boggy Bottom Bantams has GREAT bantam sumatras in BBS. And i am pretty sure he sells the chicks for a pretty low price, and there quality is AWESOME!!!
My ameraucanas are flighty as heck. I had a difficult time convincing them to roost near the rest of my hens. Their attitude has been the higher the better. My dominique has been mildly flighty. The ameraucanas have escaped my 6 ft fence, grrr.

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