what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

O What a Happy Day today. I am new to this chicken business or should I say chicken pets. I have 5 hens and today we got our first egg. I think they are around 23 weeks. Yesterday I noticed a couple have gotten really red combs, so I was sure it was going to be soon. What a Blessing the Lord has given me.
First egg laid outside the nesting box yesterday. It wasn't that Janet forgot where to go, but they had been free ranging for a couple hours when Janet went back to the run, up to the coop, and into the nesting box to lay. I decided to give the dogs their turn in the yard, so I used a little cracked corn to entice Penny back to the run. Janet came running down the ladder into the run and dropped her egg as she sprinted toward the scratch. She's such a little pig! Never misses a day laying an egg or the opportunity for a snack. I love my girls. I only have two, but with Janet's regularity, and Penny only missing about one day a week, I'm accumulating too many eggs. I might be ready to give some away finally. I've been greedy until now.
I Have 5 girls and one is laying. Don't know which one. Although it isn't the biggest one because she started crowing in the morning, which means I named him Rocky. lol

ps. cute chicks
First egg laid outside the nesting box yesterday. It wasn't that Janet forgot where to go, but they had been free ranging for a couple hours when Janet went back to the run, up to the coop, and into the nesting box to lay. I decided to give the dogs their turn in the yard, so I used a little cracked corn to entice Penny back to the run. Janet came running down the ladder into the run and dropped her egg as she sprinted toward the scratch. She's such a little pig! Never misses a day laying an egg or the opportunity for a snack. I love my girls. I only have two, but with Janet's regularity, and Penny only missing about one day a week, I'm accumulating too many eggs. I might be ready to give some away finally. I've been greedy until now.

That's so funny. I can just picture it.

My pullets just turned 20 weeks on Tues, so I'll be getting extra eggs soon. So far only one of the new girls is laying. She started at 17 weeks & surprised us.
Our Bantam Menace laid her 1st egg, and boy are we proud! It's been 6 days, and she made 5 eggs! They're small but very frequent. Both full size Orps & my Cream Legbar haven't started laying yet. We almost didn't keep this chicken b/c she's our only bantam. Her small size doesn't stop her from anything.

Hard to believe we were wearing shorts less than a week ago. Might get some flurries or frost this weekend.

Here's an egg from each chicken. Cookie's egg is in the center. My other new layer's egg is the top green one. All the other eggs are from my 1 yr old hens. (That's why they're so large.)
I have 15 buff orphingtons and 10 new hampshire reds that are 22 weeks old and have not got an egg yet. I have nest boxes in the coop. At what age do they usually start laying?
We have a new layer!

We have a new layer!

We have a new layer!

I think it's either my Coronation Sussex (5 mo old with very red comb & wattles)

My Lavender Orpington. (a few days shy of 8 months - also has red comb & wattles)

(We have another 8 mo-old black Orp, but her comb is not as developed.) May the detective work begin!

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