What color have some of you painted your coop

Watch out - you appear to have some kind of ferocious predator living underneath your coop!

My coop will be yellow when I finally finish painting it. Dad just finished putting up the hardy plank. My coop page needs updating but it shows the overall structure.

I actually got some green paint for the door. It is a soft olive shade of green.

Whatever color you decide to go with just have fun with it. Make it a favorite shade for more enjoyment.
I went with yellow as it is a happy spring/summer color and is an energy color. The green is a calm color that also makes me think of spring.
Just getting started on mine , I'm trying to use all recycled things which there is plenty of out here in rural Arkansas. I think I'm going to go with a Red, White, and Blue theme, still working on a name!

Love all of the creative ideas on this thread!
I am in the same process. I am thinking an elegant white with lots of colorful flowers around it to brighten it up. I'll see how it looks with just the primer since its white, if I like it I will paint it white if not I'll figure something else out. Maybe a pale stone gray. I shall post pictures when I'm done.
Inside the "coop" is a pale slate blue with white trim and silver. Outside is brick.

Inside apartment chickens who have the bathroom as their coop.

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