What color is my silkie, and pullet or roo?


15 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Williamson, GA
This little guy is about 14 weeks old and very sweet, though I have seen him pecking at some of his flockmates that are quite a bit larger (like my barred rocks!) No crowing yet, even though another bantam I have at the same age is crowing like crazy (so cute!), so hopefully she is a she. What do you call this color?

Sorry the pic is a little fuzzy, she was in motion as usual . . .


A little closer view
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Partridge cockerel. The large comb indicates he's a male. Also, the color looks male-ish
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Partridge roo. I base my guess on the coloration. Female Partridge have more brown and pattern in the neck feathers. Males usually have much less pattern and have solid color neck feathers. Also the comb is more wide than long and the tail feathers are not full and well rounded like a pullets.

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