What color is this Wyandotte???


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
Northern Utah
I got my chicks from a local ranch store. I've never gotten a blue laced red wyandotte before, but this chick seems a bit dark to me. As it gets older I'm seeing a lot of white and a lot of black. What do you guys think, did they sell me a silver laced???
First picture is from their first day home.

These two are from today, two weeks after coming home. The feathers are coming in white and I'm not seeing any blue???

Please let me know what you think!
That's what I'm thinking... The initial coloring was a bit different but the older it gets, the more it's looking like my silver laced from last year
Really doesn't look like a wyandotte to me. At least not a silver laced, gold laced, or blue laced red.
Hmmm... Any idea what it could be instead? At the feed store it was in the bin with the silver laced pullets as well but I wasn't paying attention to what else was supposed to be in there.

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