What color is this?


Jul 26, 2019
Our daughter bought this lovely pair of bantam cochins last year, and I don't think I've seen this color in them before. I was thinking lavender (self blue), but the hen has what look to be mille fleur speckles on her feathers. Is there a different name for her color, or do they both fall under lavender?


We are saving some eggs to incubate. Is porcelain the only color that could hatch, or would it be possible to have some mottled babies too?
We set 8 eggs in the incubator a couple of weeks ago, but it looks like only three are developing. Four weren't fertile, and one quit early. They have a week to go, so I guess we'll see what hatches! :) I'm thinking we're going to try again with another incubation after these (hopefully) hatch.
We have an external pip on one egg, and the others are close behind. Looking forward to seeing what comes out!

I did throw one egg from another cochin into the mix, but I have no idea which one it was, or if it's even one of the ones that made it to lockdown. A wild card! LOL
Well, the first chick that's hatched is either blue or black. Hmmm. Could it be the random egg I threw in, or...?

If I understand correctly, lavender is a recessive gene, so theoretically the chicks from two lavender parents have to be lavender. But does the mille fleur gene affect this in any way?

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