What color rope will my chicken attack

I think that chickens love the color red. Love to eat it that is. The thinking is that chickens associate the color red with blood or raw meat and really get off on it.

Okay true

I don't buy the red color as a 'lethal attractant'...

Okay very true.

...otherwise chickens would all shred each others combs and wattles.
And they will eat and drink out of other colored containers.

Well only if they get injured and there blood. combs and wattles is use for other things.
Most of the time when my chickens see blood or exposed flesh on another living bird or animal, they pay it little mind. Main exception to that are when birds are nutritionally challenged while confined at high densities. The second is where they red is on some insects, especially those that consume milkweed. The red acts as very powerful repellent in those situations. Other items like fruits and some insects with red are otherwise consumed with gusto. The birds can learn and it is very likely they break up the color spectrum differently than we do.
Most of the time when my chickens see blood or exposed flesh on another living bird or animal, they pay it little mind. Main exception to that are when birds are nutritionally challenged while confined at high densities. The second is where they red is on some insects, especially those that consume milkweed. The red acts as very powerful repellent in those situations. Other items like fruits and some insects with red are otherwise consumed with gusto. The birds can learn and it is very likely they break up the color spectrum differently than we do.

oh okay
Most of the time when my chickens see blood or exposed flesh on another living bird or animal, they pay it little mind.
This makes me think about the premise of putting blukote on a wound to cover the 'lethal attractant' of the blood.......I've found blukote to be more attractive to curiosity pecking than the wound blood itself, even by the wounded bird who wants that foreign substance off it's body and may preen at it enough to reopen the wound.
Here is a little experiment for you to try. If you have anyone in your house hold who paints their toe nails red, try letting them sit quietly in your coop with open toed shoes on and see how long it is before your chickens are trying to nibble that family member's toe nails.
A better experiment would be to have several different colored toenails.
Of course they’ll investigate a new, brightly colored thing in their space.
That's funny you guys mention toe nail polish. Mine are pink my oldest were blue and my youngest had different colors on each toe including red. The other day we went in to say hi not even thinking about our toes, they checked out and pecked our toes just to see what was up but my youngest they loved her toes. she finally had to go put shoes on. I did not notice them attracted to any one color. they seemed to love them all, or at least want to eat them all.

We have white rope in our coop but I do like the idea of different colors. It would be helpful when someone else was watching the flock for you.

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