What Color?


7 Years
Feb 25, 2012
Flat Creek, TN
I got these beauties as poults from Porter's Turkeys (Breeder' Choice package) in several different shipments this spring. Not quite sure what color a few of them are. All comments welcome!
#1. Bird on left looks like some sort of bronze or maybe Narrang.? Is the one on the right Sweetgrass?:

#2. Sort of a mottled red color.

#3. A lighter version of the bronze or Narrang. poults. Golden Harvest maybe?

#4 Blue slate? Lavender?

#5. This bird is varying shades of red and brown

#6. I have quite a few of these, Close up of same color as bird on left in picture #1:

#7. Pencilled palm? This one is a hen
LOvely birds--have you tried comparing to pics on porters site. Lots of photos for each variety. I'm sorry I"m no help--I have bourbon reds, and none are BR as you already know. LOL

I have a small batch from Porter's as well but at 1 week old, their coloring won't help you. I do have the packing slip. Sweet grass poults had green head paint. If it had another color I can look at the sheet.
Many of the pictures have difficult light to see color. Also, these birds are just starting to get adult plumages, so they have mixed adult and juvenile patterns. But here is what things look like to me.

The main characters in picture 1 and 5 look like Sweetgrass. Calicos are commonly confused with Sweetgrass. Calicos are Royal Palms with a red gene. They look like Royal Palms, but the black pigment on the back and tail of Royal palms is tan in a Calico due to the red gene.

#2 will likely mature into a red bronze, although there are other buff colors that are mostly red with white primaries.

#3 looks like a typical Narragansett, although the picture seems to be overexposed. Certainly not a Harvest Gold. Harvest Gold are black-winged birds, and this one is barred.

#4 is probably a Blue Slate. I have never raised blue turkeys so I would not recognize the differences between one or two blue genes and black or bronze bases. Those very familiar with blue turkeys apparently have no trouble telling them apart.

#6 looks like a Standard Bronze, which has a plain name but grow into amazingly beautiful adults. What is throwing me off a little is the lack of contrasting light bands on the tail and overtail coverts. It may be because the bird is still too young. If it is a Standard bronze, some lighter-tipped feathers should grow in in the back, and the tail should be almost mahogany with a light terminal band.

#7 could be a penciled palm. Sometimes Royal Palms come out a little "dirty", with extra streaks of black in the tail, on the body, and on the secondaries, but the extra streaking in this bird seems quite neat and clean. A better picture that shows the tail taken at a slighlty older age would help to ID this bird.

I second the motion to compare to the pictures at Porter's Turkeys.

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