What colour should black or lavender araucana chicks be?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 18, 2009
New Zealand
Just wondering what colour lavender black aracuana chicks should be?
I brought some fertile purebreed eggs to hatch and first lot I got all lavender araucanas they are grey/lavender
But then the latest that hatched today i have 1 unusal colour chick its yellow with kinda black stripe on its head
Im kinda new to chickens but I thought if I was gonna get black ones they would be dark in colour or am I wrong?
So what is this yellow chick
I will take pics tommorrow and post
But any ideas in the mean time?
Will post about my new chicks soon too
Pictures would be good? I'm imagining partridge with your stripe description, but that can't be right.
not very clear pic sorry
But chick has it grey spot on head and 3 or so stripes down the back in grey also
Hard to make out in the pic
Any ideas?
Thanks for the reply
yeah I have been googling too and cant seem to work it out
I had 11 arucana chicks hatch from eggs brought from same breeder in 2 seperate batches
and all are lavender arucanas expect this one
She is so bright yellow next to the others and with the unusal stripes and dot on its head is just gorgeous!
Please let it be a hen so I can keep her!
I cant wait to see how it turns out.
Im trying to get in touch with breeder see if he might know but hes been out last 2 nights when I have called.
Anyone else have an idea?
I have no clue, but its like looking at a Christmas present and having to wait weeks to open it. It will be fun to see what comes out of the package. What a fun surprise. I once had a chick pop out of what was supposed to all guinea eggs. I woke up to cheeping and could not imagine how in the world a guinea made it out on day 21. Turned out to be a cute chick that turned into a black chicken.
I realise this is a very old threat but I got this little dude out of a blue egg - mum is lavender
I would love to know what colour this would be


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So these are my 2 day old hatched black Araucana chicks. Out of the 5 eggs they sent me , one was scrambled and died, 3 with saddle air sacks hatched and the remaining egg with mostly intact air sack hatched as well ... the hatchery below:) 4 out of 5 chicks for 5 out of 5 stars!.. Thank you Edgewood!

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