What could be wrong with my hen's foot???


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
Anyone have any ideas what's wrong with my hen's foot? For the last few days she's seemed poorly: listless, not running around as usual, spending a lot of time in one spot. Today she has been favoring her right leg, standing with her weight on the other leg and the toes curled. When she moves, she walks normally.

There are some pictures attached. You'll see she seems to be missing a toenail and there are a couple of black spots on her leg and toes.

The rooster she is in with is also lame: he's become increasingly unable to use his right foot and now leg. Now he can't support himself on it at all or even keep his balance sitting and I have him in a sling, to keep him upright at least. The vet thought his problem might be a staph infection from a wound. She didn't think the hen would be affected. Unlike the hen, the rooster seems completely healthy otherwise.

They are the only two together, although I have 5 others in the other half of the coop.

She is 6 years old, on the light side. Her bedding is pine shavings.

Any ideas what this could be? Any suggestions on what to do?

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Update: this morning there are 2 black spots on the soles of her foot. Nothing is swollen but she seems to find it painful.

I'm disturbed by the presence of several black spots, not just one. I'm thinking maybe it's staph, like bumblefoot, and maybe somehow related to the rooster's possible internal staph infection in his leg. Don't know how likely that is.

I'd really like some advice on how to treat this. I'm thinking, since I don't really know what it is, I won't start carving away at her foot but will clean the spots, cover them with neosporin (without pain reliever) ointment, and cover it all with vetwrap.

Does this make sense? Anything else?
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I did do a lot of searches for bumblefoot on the site, which is how I learned about the surgery, but didn't come up with this reference. I'm off to search for Tricide-Neo powder.

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