What could I do to help my chicken's neck and feet


Sep 7, 2021
Hello I have a 1 year old polish rooster that recently came up with bad sinus infection where there would be yellow stinky goo around it's face/beak. Before I could get around to catching him and putting him in a nursery cage he would lay down all day under cars and sheds.
After about 4 days the infection died down with the help of antibiotics shots and lemon in it's water.
Unfortunately yesterday I went out to check on him from a bigger pen I had put him in so he could stretch and walk I found him bobbing his head towards the sky. Later it proceeded to worsen he would stretch his whole neck and head backward so he would be looking directly up. He couldn't stand well because his fingers would curl up. He would fall over and slip and flip in strange ways.
At first I believe it was some sort of seizure but the unbalanced neck has been on going.
Today I pulled open his body and neck feathers and I was shocked to see hundreds of long bugs and red smaller dot bugs all over his chest/neck. I immediately put on gloves and bathe him in a spray for chickens I got off amazon. It seemed to kill them on the spot.
Could the lice or mites have caused this weird neck dusbalanced?
I have been also giving him vitamin/electrolytes water solution by a syring to his mouth.
What can I do to help him keep living ? Vitamin-Deficiencies-in-Poultry-1280x720.jpg
Hello I have a 1 year old polish rooster that recently came up with bad sinus infection where there would be yellow stinky goo around it's face/beak. Before I could get around to catching him and putting him in a nursery cage he would lay down all day under cars and sheds.
After about 4 days the infection died down with the help of antibiotics shots and lemon in it's water.
Unfortunately yesterday I went out to check on him from a bigger pen I had put him in so he could stretch and walk I found him bobbing his head towards the sky. Later it proceeded to worsen he would stretch his whole neck and head backward so he would be looking directly up. He couldn't stand well because his fingers would curl up. He would fall over and slip and flip in strange ways.
At first I believe it was some sort of seizure but the unbalanced neck has been on going.
Today I pulled open his body and neck feathers and I was shocked to see hundreds of long bugs and red smaller dot bugs all over his chest/neck. I immediately put on gloves and bathe him in a spray for chickens I got off amazon. It seemed to kill them on the spot.
Could the lice or mites have caused this weird neck dusbalanced?
I have been also giving him vitamin/electrolytes water solution by a syring to his mouth.
What can I do to help him keep living ? View attachment 2837374
Could you get some pictures of your bird? We need to know what he’s doing specifically and the best way is to see pictures of him.
What did you use for the bugs, and what antibiotic did you use to treat the sinus infection? It does sound like lice or mites. Pictures may help. Both are treated with permethrin spray or garden dust available from most feed stores. They should be repeated for lice at 10 days or for mites at 7 days. Bedding should also be removed, and the coop, nexts, and roosts should be sprayed before new bedding is applied.

A bad odor and a sinus infection might have been coryza. It is a chronic respiratory disease that may come back, and he will be a carrier.

His curled toes and wry neck, can be a sign of vitamin E or thiamine (B1) and B2 riboflavin deficiency, a head injury, or brain inflammation. Certain diseases, such as Mareks, fowl cholera, Newcastles disease, and some others can cause wry neck. Mareks can also cause the curled under toes, but riboflavin deficiency can as well. I would treat him with vitamin E 400 IU softgels and a 1/4 tablet of vitamin B complex tablets daily. Those both can be found in most stores. He may need to be fed and watered several times a day if he cannot reach them. Making a wet mash of chicken feed and cooked egg can be fed.

If you should lose him, I would send his body (kept cold, not frozen,) to the state vet for testing and a necropsy. Here is a list of state vets to contact:


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He looks very sick. Could he have gotten into something bad to eat in the yard, or moldy feed? If not, I would wonder about Mareks. Are you able to pick him up, wrap him in a towel and try to get him to drink fluids and eat some wet feed? Here is a video of feeding:
Sadly our rooster died today afternoon in my arms. I buried him out of respect down on the edge of the woods. He was a wonderful rooster really friendly I had the chance to incubate some of the eggs from some of his ladies. So in a way he lives on through his offspring.
Sadly our rooster died today afternoon in my arms. I buried him out of respect down on the edge of the woods. He was a wonderful rooster really friendly I had the chance to incubate some of the eggs from some of his ladies. So in a way he lives on through his offspring.
I’m so sorry. You did what you could. You gave him his best life. I wish we could save them all but sometimes we just can’t. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs

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