what could it be?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 27, 2013
Lost my 3rd chick in 2 days. This time I found the body inside coup with legs and guts eatin. Its ate a couple eggs too . At first I thought it might be the 4 week old chick going through fence and dig up getting them but now with body found I know its a predator I need to trap. I've never had a problem in 2 years. What could it be? What's best bait for trap. Its hasn't messed with any big birds or my 8 week old chicks.
Not sure what kind of predators you have in your area. I always use the classic live trap and use tuna for bait, the smell of it carries and most predators can't resist. Good luck.

One other word of advice, wildlife experts will tell you never relocate a predator, even if it is young. It does not help the animal and it may be causing a problem for others. Be prepared to shoot whatever you catch.
Oh trust me its no going to live. I think its a skunk my dogs been sprayed in my yard multiple times
Check what this says, especially about skunks and possums. See what it says about what the egg shells look like. From your description of the carcass I’d lean more toward possum, but you are looking at them, I’m not. The egg shells might be a big clue. Look for paw prints and scat too. Those are great clues as to what it is.


Personally I use peanut butter as a bait, just wad up some in a paper towel and toss it in the back of the trap. The main reason for his is that I always have peanut butter available. Other things work but I might not have them available. I’ve caught raccoons, possums, rabbits, and even a feral cat with peanut butter, never a skunk though, so I can’t recommend peanut butter if you think it is a skunk.

One problem I have is that critters often turn the trap over or work the bait out through the back or sides. I wired the trap to a piece of plywood on the bottom to give it more stability and keep them from coming in below it. Then I built a box top go over the trap so the only way in is through the trap door up front. If I ever trap a skunk I hope that box top will give me a chance to get it to my rain barrel without me getting sprayed.

I’d also look at how it is getting in and work on that. Just because you trap one doesn’t mean they are safe. It will remove one that is hunting your area so that is good, but I’ve caught critters on successive nights. That means more than one was hunting my area. And eventually another one will show up, say when Mama weans a litter and they go looking for their own territory.

Good luck with it.

Its my own fault I have never had to shut the coup door in almost 2 years and never had predator problem. My neighbors have dogs as well as my 3. I will start shutting door at night but my ducks dont like to go in at night so I still want to eliminate and critters in my area.
I understand, try not to beat yourself up. Many of us learn the hard way. I left my coop open for several weeks last fall and I was greeted one morning to 3 of my girls scattered about with missing heads, and my amazing roo and of course my favorite hen were missing.
No matter how tired I may be in the evenings, that image forces me out to shut the coop up! I hope you catch the culprit before it can do anymore damage.

@Ridgerunner peanut butter is a good plan too, I always use it for mouse traps and never thought to use it for large predators! It is irresistable!!!!
Bought my traps and trying dog food with peanut butter. Closing coup up and setting traps. Crossing fingers I get to practice skinning tomorrow. I think ill decorate my coup in critter hides.
Im afraid ill catch my ducks with sardines or tuna. They refuse to go in at night.
Bought my traps and trying dog food with peanut butter. Closing coup up and setting traps. Crossing fingers I get to practice skinning tomorrow. I think ill decorate my coup in critter hides.
Take the ultimate revenge, feed the culprit to your chickens. However this gives some chicken folks bad dreams about falling down in their chickens' coop and

not being able to get back up.
Also remember, don't take any medicines that make you sleepy before you feed your chickens.

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