what crops do you have coming to the table?


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
North Central Oklahoma
Curious what garden crops everyone has ripening up and coming to the table and in what zones.
I have snap peas, lettuce, spinach, celery, and strawberries right now in zone 6b/7.
Lettuce, arugula and spinach picked for the first time yesterday. Zone 6a. Last year everything was a month early, This year everything is running a couple weeks to a month late.
Last year I was eating strawberries the first week of May, this year they just started blooming.
The celery and cabbage is still weeks away, peas are about an inch or two tall. We had a LOT of snow late winter and this spring. It got into the 30s two nights ago.
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You're right about the crops being late this year. Last year I harvested tomatoes the first week of June, this year I only have a couple of small green ones at this point.
I usually have tomatoes in June but I don't even have flowers on the toms yet. I think I planted them early March last year. I just planted them last week.
I have planted my Cabbage, Broccolli, Calliflower and Snap Peas outside, Along with Grapes and Hops. Then my Tomates, Jaleopenos, Bell Pepper, Bananna Peppers (Hungarians), Spinch and Lettuce are under lights in the basement. Next to the Brooder.
Lettuce, arugula and spinach picked for the first time yesterday. Zone 6a. Last year everything was a month early, This year everything is running a couple weeks to a month late.
Last year I was eating strawberries the first week of May, this year they just started blooming.
The celery and cabbage is still weeks away, peas are about an inch or two tall. We had a LOT of snow late winter and this spring. It got into the 30s two nights ago.
I forgot that I had eaten asparagus earlier this spring. It has gone to flower now.
zone 6a, spinach, lettuce kale, arugala,peas, and radiches, not to bad for this time of year...I used a green house to help them along

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