What cross are red broilers?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
Okay, I keep on hearing that Red Broilers are crosses but, try as i might, i cannot find any information on what particular cross of chicken breeds creates them...does anyone know?


Okay, I keep on hearing that Red Broilers are crosses but, try as i might, i cannot find any information on what particular cross of chicken breeds creates them...does anyone know?


its a trade secret, you wont find any info on them, except that they are colored broilers, and grow slower than the white ones, I´m sure they use the same blood as the other broilers but they have removed the dominant white gene and selected other colors(which is not hard at all) I mayself have a leaky white broiler from a broiler sire line(leaky meas a white bird with lots of black on the feather) this sire could be used with other large bird and produce birds that grow slower than white cornish but put a lot of weight like the white ones
Hmmm, very nice to know...guess it explains the lack of information :) Thanks for the response!

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