What day is the 'temp spike' in incubation?


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
Severn Bridge, ON
I lost track of my hatch dates due to a pc problem....

Can anyone tell me what day the temp spike is on? I just had it one day last week. Trying to hammer out when my eggs will hatch....
Temp shouldn't spike....a slight reduction the last couple of days because of the metabolic heat production by the ducklings, but a spike is not good.

Hmmm, I consistently get a shap rise in temp at some point in the last week with both chicken and duck eggs, every time no fail. Maybe 4-5 degrees. I run the bator at 95 on my thermometer ( I think its off a bit) and it rises to about 100 and I turn it down and all is well. Every time.

So I had that day last week, and not sure when they will hatch now. With chickens its about a week to go after that, but don't remember for ducks. I should be a better record keeper!
Your temp spike is from the metabolic heat production of the embryos....95 is on the low side and will slow development and increase problems. I assume you are using a small Styrofoam incubator to get that much of a temp spike....

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I'm setting every other week and getting around 95% hatches, so I'm not worried, but thanks Speceider. I have hatched almost 100 ducks this year already!

Just not keeping sharp records, as i have a lot on my plate!

So....the answer to my original question if anyone is wondering.....is that my eggs are hatching today :) So the temp rose half way through the hatch, about day 15.

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