What did you do in the garden today?

Red sky in morning
Sailors take warning
My husband would say that and I never quite knew why.
Ominous looking clouds.

Weather guides to sailors "red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in the morning sailors take warning"

morning all sicker than a dog bug hit full force
My giant roo has been out there singing the egg song going on 5 min in his baritone voice., along with at least 4 hens.

Why can't I have normal farm animals?

Meanwhile, lonely chcik is out there thinking "what fresh hell is this!?"
Well, it won't let me load the video, but he got busted in a nest box while his fav lady was laying. He looked down, then at me then down again. Guilty! Busted, poor confused feller.

No gardening for a while, flooding in the usual places tomorrow, that means here. :rolleyes: So moving the moveables to higher ground. It shouldn't be too bad, but pots have been known to make a quick getaway downstream. Those tomatoes though, there's about 15 green ones on one plant and they are all split. At least they'll be juicy, and no blossom end rot! That's my big fear, I may have overdone the epsom salts, bone meal and eggshells though :hmm. My bush beans are all leaning toward where the afternoon sun used to shine, they look kinda funny all lopsided. Still flowering though:celebrate
Good morning gardeners. Of course it is still raining here as well. When I went to change out the waterers in the chicken run yesterday afternoon the girls decided that they didn't mind dashing around in the drizzle and snuck out into the grass. I hadn't planned on sitting in the rain so they could play in the grass, but they were so happy with all the worms they were finding I gave them a half hour to play and dig. Clearly, no real work was accomplished outside yesterday and likely the same today. Tiny peas are starting to emerge from the blooms and the lettuce is really loving the rain so it looks like I'll have 2 homegrown veggies very soon. Have a great day everyone.
Checked the garden yesterday. Had to actually wade through 2-6” water to get to them. The ground is so saturated here that the moderate rain we had for about 1.5 hours had no place to go, other than to flow into farm field. But there are some low spots in our yard and the slope isn’t much from the back area to the field, so the flow of water is only moderate at best. And the farm field is saturated too.

But, wet ground makes weeding pretty easy, so I spent some time weeding. Found a baby slug too. Picked turnips. One pea type is flowering and producing some pods. However, the other two types are producing nothing at all, just normal growth -not a single flower on those two types.

Some tomato plants have baby green tomatoes starting, but not all. Cukes and melon plants (started from seed in the raised beds) are not doing much growing - they are waiting for warmth it seems.
Agreed @Acre4Me it's satisfying pulling weeds in saturated ground. Even the deep root ones come all the way out.
You can add a video if you have a YouTube account, and first post it there. You then post link here. :thumbsup
Ok, gonna go see if I can figure it out!

LOL. I caught mine in the workshop with his favorite today. He was up on a high shelf with her digging a nest, on a plain-empty-wood shelf, and then plopping down and showing her how nice it was.
Nothing but watch, wait, and see. We planted some more tomato plants, jalapeño plants, green pepper plants etc. a week or so ago. Something got into the jalapeño and green pepper plants. Wasn’t the chickens. Watching to see if zucchini, squash etc. get pollinated and fruit this year. Good looking plants. Arugula coming up but young. Currently went to Meyer Hatchery customer appreciation day and no did not get chickens as in good production right now 110 eggs per month. Saw Lisa Steel and received signed copy of book Fresh Eggs Daily. So made anti ant and fly sprays from herbs combined with things around the house. Smells nice and pesticide free. Also working on drying herbs for breakfast of champions feed. I already added oats. Hope this improves my organic uses of herbs besides my culinary efforts. My chicks should be able to enjoy the benefits for general support of immune health as well. Have a few blueberries on restarted plants this year. Received a few sugar snap peas and kale rejuvenated from last year wintered over in green house. Trying to grow more Kale as find refreshing and flavorful in salad. Looking to expand chicken run in back and landscape in run so chickens have more access to outside environment with free bugs and edibles available. Cheers!

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