What did you do in the garden today?

I planted some garlic today, too!
Hardneck varieties, plus some Black Dakota Popcorn and a few pretty orange-red sunflowers for Fall...such as it is, here in the almost-low desert.
Getting into the high-80's now, woohoo! Soon, it will be sweater weather-LOL!
I planted garlic Monday, in advance of a nice rain we had Tuesday. My chickens don't like the even layer of straw mulch I put over the garlic. I rake it out, they kick it into piles. I'm not sure who is going to give up first, but I think it is going to be me.

Started tearing out the dead pepper vines and mulching the beds with grass clippings. More of that in the next few days.
Wow! What a beautiful garden you have! And look at all those wonderful pine trees - don't have those here in the desert, but I guess the trade-off is it's 80 today and my tomatoes are setting more fruit...which is good, because the heat in the summer shuts 'em down!
And this is why I built a greenhouse ... end of October in northern Oklahoma after several freezes.

Green beans fresh from the garden for supper.

Zucchini setting on nicely with no squash bugs in sight!

And plum tomatoes setting on by the fist full. I hope they ripen by Thanksgiving or at least Christmas!
Twister-n-Dos, your garden looks great, especially when it isn't covered in snow.

Erinszoo, you have a nice little harvest there.

My garden is a bit less organised and the cabbages were looking worse for wear so i took down the fencing to let the chooks have a go at them. Yesterday was quite hot so i watered them and the girls have dug themselves some nice little hollows to enjoy the coolness. I have cabbage patch chooks.
Twister-n-Dos, your garden looks great, especially when it isn't covered in snow.

Erinszoo, you have a nice little harvest there.

My garden is a bit less organised and the cabbages were looking worse for wear so i took down the fencing to let the chooks have a go at them. Yesterday was quite hot so i watered them and the girls have dug themselves some nice little hollows to enjoy the coolness. I have cabbage patch chooks.

My kids had cabbage patch dolls (don't know if you have those in Auzzie land) when they were kids ... so now I'm imagining chickens with the same faces as those dolls. Lol!
My kids had cabbage patch dolls (don't know if you have those in Auzzie land) when they were kids ... so now I'm imagining chickens with the same faces as those dolls. Lol!
Yep, we have them. Don't know that I'd want a chook with a face like one, they always look a bit creepy to me.

The cabbage patch is looking much worse now, more like a patch of stalks with a few pecked leaves left. But that's ok, I'll be able to plant something else. Once I've fenced it off again, of course.

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