What did you do in the garden today?

Collected ten 5 gallon buckets of snow melt from the roof of our garage for watering the greenhouse. Up-potted the rest of the squash plants to bigger pots and watered the peas in the little greenhouse lean-to bed. So ready for SPRING to be here.
I've been busy pampering little brassica seedlings for 3 weeks. My toddler ripped 2 up yesterday, root and all.
I replanted them and am being hopeful, but we'll see.

Been there. I no longer have toddlers ... at least not human ones. My cats on the other hand like to gnaw off the tops of my tomato plants, which makes me very grumpy. So far I've had enough to replace the ones they've eaten but I'm growing weary of repotting stuff. Hopefully your brassicas will bounce back. As long as the roots were still attached and the stem wasn't damaged, you should be okay.
The cabbage is looking good. I'm concerned about the broccoli. Lol. I wanted to scream! But, I know he was just curious. He loves nature and the outdoors. My mother suggested maybe he doesn't like broccoli. ::)
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The cabbage is looking good. I'm concerned about the broccoli. Lol. I wanted to scream! But, I know he was just curious. He loves nature and the outdoors. My mother suggested maybe he doesn't like broccoli. ::)

I feel your pain. My little dude dumped 8 of my tomato sprouts earlier this season. No chance of reviving them. I've put in a little area of the garden that's his now, with bigger plants. It allows him to dig in the dirt with momma but not kill the smaller plants that I'm cultivating. Sadly enough, his garden looks better then mine. :)
Welcome Kian!! Always love to hear from other gardeners no matter where they are.

Well the greenhouse stayed above freezing last night despite the outside temps dropping to 15 degrees. Don't think we'll be moving the tomatoes out there for another couple of days though. They'll have to suffice with the kitchen lights. I've been getting teased on another thread (its' all good) that we're going to have to start a house gardening club for those of us who started seedlings a little too early this year and have them growing throughout our homes. Lol. A new way to ensure pest control ... grow in your living room.

I have 3 kinds of tomato, 2 kinds of eggplant and some chillis in my living room... Still very cold at night, below average temp for time of year. I end up doing this every year, too impatient to get outside and with the last few bad summers things need the longest growing season they can get.
I feel your pain. My little dude dumped 8 of my tomato sprouts earlier this season. No chance of reviving them. I've put in a little area of the garden that's his now, with bigger plants. It allows him to dig in the dirt with momma but not kill the smaller plants that I'm cultivating. Sadly enough, his garden looks better then mine. :)

I love it! I can't wait until it warms up enough to start transplanting and letting mine dig in dirt too. What a cute idea to give him his own section.

I'm starting 2 kinds of lettuce, 4 kinds of peppers, and 5 kinds of tomatoes this weekend.
We always gave our son his own "spot" in the garden too. When he was eleven he grew banana peppers from seed by himself completely, and then he pickled them and canned them and won the grand champion award at the county fair for them. He still loves to help in the garden even though he's now 19. At one point he kept telling us he was going to grow up and become a farmer and grow sunflowers because they were both nice to look at and you could eat them and they were SO tall. Another year we built a teepee frame out of river cane poles and planted pole beans on them and he had his own "play" teepee inside the beans. You can also grow pumpkins and when the pumpkins are small carve your kids names into them and as the pumpkins grow their names will scar over. For those kids that like to "see" what's going on under the ground, try growing some bean seeds for them in clear plastic cups with just wet paper towel. They'll get to see the roots form and the stem and leaves come out. We always let our son decided what got planted in HIS garden so we've grown some odd things over the years but somehow they've all seemed to grow well. One year he picked striped tomatoes and a colored mix of carrots. We had more carrots than we knew what to do with of all kinds of colors. I think it helped teach him patience and responsibility because he had to water them and weed them and at the end, he got to harvest and eat too.

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