What did you do in the garden today?

i have 1 cabbage coming up, i weeded more around my strawberries,they are about to blow up so many new leaves popping up . I have a white strawberry I got from the usda that i was afraid wasn't going to make it through the winter but it popped three sets of leaves in the past three days. .... two tulips decided to start growing next to our easter lilies so i did some weeding around those, we don't have any other tulips and neither does our only neighbor, these just appeared, one looks like it will open very soon. . bought 10 forsythe(sp?) plants today.. gotta figure that out..

trying to figure out if I could find a place for 100 strawberry plants I saw on ebay for 40$ including shipping....ugh
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@alldembirds: Thai mangoes really aren't cold tolerant, but wrapping them with covers and spraying Cloud Cover on the leaves has always kept plants alive and thriving through the winter for me. :) And our Guava is the cold tolerant pink variety.

We are planning on getting a few more varieties of mango later this summer that are more cold tolerant too! We have a bit of an orchard getting started. 4 apple varieties (Honeycrisp, Golden, Fuji, and a mystery variety that the old owner planted), 3 pear trees (Bosc, Bartlett, and Asian), a peach, a nectarine, a cherry, an apricot, a pomegranate, and a walnut tree. I'm excited for next summer when they are producing. :weee
my book has 49 kinds of mango but it doesn't have thai mango
it has several mangos from Thailand though

..I have been searching for all kinds of fun trees I can grow on my property once I am out there full time.. not mangos necessarily
Your book probably has the type of mango we bought, but I cannot remember the name as it was not an English name. It was four words, if I remember right. It's a yellow, fiberless mango. We're going back to the same seller (based in Orlando) for a green Thai mango in a few months. I can't remember the name of that mango variety either, though.

Stone fruit do well just about anywhere from my understanding, and nothing is better than ripe cherries or peaches!
I want some pawpaws, more service berry trees. I have 10 or so. I never get any of the berries, the birds get them way before they are ripe. I know birds dont go after white berries as much if at all so I want a white berried variety... mine have bright pink berries.. I want plums, peaches, cherry trees, I have found a couple cherry/plum hybrids that sound so tasty
and a plum/peach

I have a white cherry tree I grew from about a foot to 4 foot in a year. I am beefing it up in a pot getting it ready for transplant. all the leaves are starting to open up. I also have an almond bush starting to bud
Thank you so much for that little brain tweak! I plan to put in a strawberry bed this spring, and may not find a good variety locally. Hadn't thought about buying them on line!!!

glad I could help. I got my first strawberry plants at the farmers market... I found some neat wild strawberries that grow upright with a stiff stem instead of limp along the ground on ebay... ..... I find them on craigslist. the local berry farms needing to thin out sometimes
@alldembirds: I requested some Paw Paw seeds through BiodiverSeed, have you heard of them? They are working on sending out seeds for this spring and this fall. :) Also, the hybrids are amazing! I'm a big fan of pluots (plum-apricot) and plerries (plum-cherry). We don't have those yet, but we may order some hybrids next year.

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