What did you do in the garden today?

Good afternoon gardeners. Hubs cut the grass yesterday and used his new weed wacker, looks nice! I watered today and noticed my efforts being rewarded. I think the hibiscus might make it. Won't be long and I'll be harvesting the last of the artichokes, that'll be a sad day. I'm happy to report the Mexican Bird of Paradise has recovered nicely. I can't wait for it to grow up and bloom! With our hot temps I think the eggs under my broody were no longer viable and she ate them. I'm ok with it, she'll be sold to a neighbor in a few more weeks and I didn't want more chicks tbh. I have 8 that I'm integrating now, I'm keeping 2 pullets from that group, and I'll be picking up a 4 month old roo and a pullet Thursday night. No more white roosters. I've been flooding an area in the yard for everyone to cool off in the afternoon, our highest temp this week will be 105 and then it's supposed to drop into double digits for a few days. Have a great day all.
I tried clearing some grass, and picked up a board that had blown over the fence. I started when I saw something moving, then realized it was a mole. After appreciating how cute it was, I beat it to death. :bun
Today I was standing outside of a friend's shop just chatting away. I heard a rustling off to my left and just as I hear it get closer a GROUND HOG ran across my feet to fly under her storage shed. LOL. I was leaning on a pitchfork too. Had I been faster I would have nailed it, but I honestly wasn't expecing a GH in the city ! LOL. Judging by how high my friend jumped, neither did she !
My seedlings are doing pretty well inside. The watermelon are finally sprouting today. Unfortunately, my tomatoes are in one of those 6-pack seeding things, and got dry. I think they will recover.
I thought I could get strawberries from the store, but have not had luck in that yet. I was lucky to have the other seeds from last year.

moving out to the brooder
Aloha gardeners!
Ugh, it's warm again today but gotta do yard work. Lucky me DH in his retirement likes to do the mowing so i only have roadside mow, weed whack and trim duties. Halfway there.
I forgot that i bought a Soursop tree at HD the other day when we did our town run. I've been wanting one for a long time and thanks to this garden thread I was inspired to ignore my DH's negativity and just buy it. Most exciting :lol:!!! Now... where to plant? :hmm and wish I would have bought 2... so yummy :p
The volume is still down on the flock today though not as quiet as yesterday and I only got 4 eggs out of 7 layers. Feels weird, hope today is better.
K. gang, even though i have not had time to read all past posts keep them coming!!!! I want... need that garden inspiration.
All I did today was cut a tree stump to a few inches below ground (dug around it). I'm planting potatoes over it. I hope it doesn't steal all the available nitrogen. I'll likely have to fertilize near there.

It's still very wet here and we are getting more rain. It supposed to clear up Friday and Saturday, and then several more days of rain again. Maybe I'll finally get to till and plant on Saturday... We'll have to wait and see.

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