What did you do in the garden today?

Try tasting one of the cukes @Sueby. You never know. My figs aren't golf ball size, but the tree is loaded. Keeping my fingers crossed. No, my dahlias never came up. The heat and humidity have made it impossible for me to keep up with the weeding in my "cutting garden," and everything but the zinnias and petunias are getting swallowed up. This morning I took my scissors and cut the poke weed plants that were growing in there. I guess a bird brought those seeds in from somewhere since I haven't seen them around here before. I'm so jealous of your back-eyed susans. The seeds I planted never came up. I bought a plant and just need to decide where to plant it so the chickens won't devour it.
I won’t let her play with our friend, Mr. Toad,

Well behaved dog! glad she didn't taste the toad!

I am absolutely thrilled Douglas moved to the north and it had a weak southern edge and not only us, but all islands were spared any damage.

Glad everyone was fine!

silkie with the 6 I hatched

Chicks are so cute! Love seeing a momma hen and chicks.

I bought Heritage peas for last years garden. They were the nastiest peas I’ve ever grown.

This can often be the case. We've had a couple of good heritage peas, and some that were very much yuck!

i dont even understand how the stem is holding that thing up its so big!

I know - I may have to support it - thinking of cutting some pantyhose bc it is strong and thin.

My mom finally got to go home Wednesday evening!

Great News!

I think my bird nest gourd plant is starting to make baby gourds.

jealous! I have 5 gourd varieties, and I see buds, but no blooms yet.

that squash is AMAZING! Have you ever had that kind, is it yummy?

No, not this variety. It is a butternut, so if it is like a regular butternut (only bigger), then I'll like it! We will see if it matures. First the stem needs to not break, and then the plant needs to stay healthy enough to finish it off - it appears that this variety is succumbing to some kind of wilt. But this particular vine is still looking ok.
@Wee Farmer Sarah I wish you lived a little closer, I have soooo many BES - I'd share. All of mine have come from my best friends garden over the last few years. There was none here when I moved in & now they're everywhere! Maybe if we go wheeling in NH in the fall, it's not too far from you & they split & transfer so well.

Bummer on the Dahlias. I hear ya on the weeds, the crabgrass is taking over everything here at the moment. It's just too hot & humid to get out & weed everything - plus the back say NO. LOL
Gourd growth over a 10 day period:

Screen Shot 2020-07-19 at 1.16.15 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-07-30 at 9.49.24 AM.png

There are 5 varieties planted, however, this pic only has 4 varieties as one did not sprout on this side.
My gourd plant has been blooming @Acre4Me. Although, like the okra, the blooms are short lived. But they've overgrown the 5 foot stakes and are clinging to one of my butterfly bushes. I hate weeding period. I don't really have any back issues like you do @Sueby, just old woman issues and I have to sit on my stool to do any weeding that lasts over 60 seconds. I will gladly take any donation of BES. I love them. I'm thinking of planting them at the foot of the septic field near one of my apple trees. The chickens aren't allowed in that part of my yard.
Yay on mom.

There are refrigerator pickles, made,stored and eaten within two weeks in the refrigerator.

Then there are pickles that are prepped, water bath sealed, shelf stable for storage, and refrigerated after opening.
These are supposed to be shelf stable pickles. Hot jars, boiled liquid with veggies in it, pour into hot jars, put hot lids and rings on. It does actually ping after a while.
I’ve looked at several recipes and none of them call for water bathing the jars. 😳

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