What did you do in the garden today?

Well, we've got nearly a foot of snow in the forecast for the weekend. Yay...

And I concur. Even a greenhouse can't save peppers when the temps drop below 0, and it happens here, and in your zone as well I believe BReeder! ? And one round of fungus gnats is enough to last a lifetime for anyone.
Uh, yea. It definitely gets below zero here. Lowest this winter was something like -20 with windchill to -50.

I think we are done with snow though. Temps are warming up. Hoping we don't get any more snow and last frost date might be early this year. Still playing it safe for now though. Last frost is around May 1st normally. I think In going to risk getting potatoes in on April though. I might even risk peppers and tomatoes outdoors in late April if the forecast looks right.
The difference a few hours can make is sometimes stunning. Now all the starter cells of peppers have sprouts except one habanero and one California wonder bell.
I have all the pepper plants I need for the garden beds. Same for tomatoes, celery, brussel sprouts, kale, and marigolds.
I still have yet to start zucchini, pumpkin, and butternut squash. I will also need to direct sow corn, beans, onions, carrots, parsnips, lettuce, spinach, and radishes. I think that's everything...
Caved & started seeds today. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait! I so have no patience. Peppers, multiple kinds, cukes, both eating & pickling, dill, purple beans, bush squash & something else I can't remember.

Getting ready for the short ribs for dinner, Almost done! 🤤
Caved & started seeds today. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait! I so have no patience. Peppers, multiple kinds, cukes, both eating & pickling, dill, purple beans, bush squash & something else I can't remember.
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Getting ready for the short ribs for dinner, Almost done! 🤤
Cucumbers, squash and beans will get big fast. Get ready to transplant into larger containers. When is your last frost?
I got my six pack starts plants today . beef steak, roma and celebrity tomatoes . Two kinds of muskmelon cantaloupes, ambrosia and Hales jumbo sweet. egg plant, yellow squash , zucchini , sweet peppers , bell peppers.
I'm a 1/4 inland from the gulf of Mexico /Mississippi sound so freeze is over and low chance of frost. I can cover if need be but the ten day forecast says im good. I'll repot the tomatoes and peppers for two weeks until they double in size. Its spring time here guys. blackberry blossoms everywhere !
blackberry blossoms everywhere
Speaking of blossoms, I think this is THE year for my peach tree. I believe there are flower bugs on the branches. It's still dormant, but should start its Spring awakening in a few weeks. I've waited the years now for peaches, so I'll be SO HAPPY if it blooms and bares fruit.
I finished up pruning an apple tree today. Last week I started and was having issues with my pole pruner because it has a saw attached to it. Every year I complain, DH takes the saw blade off, then at some point our son borrows it and puts the doggone saw back on, making it heavy and clunky. I realized I bought that thing in like 1989 or thereabouts, and what I needed was a dedicated pruner. I called the equipment place and he said he just got some Stihl pruners in so I said ok be right there! And it wasn’t even my birthday or anything.

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