What did you do in the garden today?

Found a few dozen little green and yellow caterpillars on our broccoli plants.... and not one leaf. We are fortunate that all they ate were the broccoli. I just pulled them all off the plants and tossed them to the tilapia, no waste at our place!

Zucchini is finally starting to get tall and put on some flowers. Cucumbers are producing actual fruit instead of just dying off. Our tomatoes and jalepenos are still struggling. It seems like every time we start to see some good buds on the tomato plants we get a wind storm or lots of rain and the plants get the tops knocked out of them. Of course I take the broken parts and plant them in the media..... did I mention we have 19 tomato plants now out of the original 9 that we started with?
Today I am making rhubarb jam! This is my fourth batch of the year and I'm hoping it will last us through the winter. My kids can't get enough fresh baked bread with butter and this jam!
Very helpful, TY! We just moved here last Fall so I have no idea how long they have been here, but I am going to guess they are nearing the end. The berries they are producing are pretty small!
We bought a home 3 years ago that had strawberries already planted and they looked miserable. We weed waked them to nothing and plastered the entire area with manure in the fall. The following spring there were mini marshmallow sized berries. So we repeated the kill and cover method last fall and this year I have already picked a gallon sized bag of good sized berries. Never count s pathetic plant out until you try to save it.
Wonderful greenhouse! I sorta thought my outside garden would burst out like that, but it's taking its time. I finally saw a little snow pea pod today. Resprayed with Bt 'cause it looks like the loopers again have designs on the brassicas. I'll do something about my strawberries this year as well. They just aren't producing like last year. The raspberries, on the other hand, are amazingly abundant and large.
Quote: lol, walking section to section, the leaves are a bit different. All the squash seeds were planted within hours of each other. SOme seeds were tiny , others VERY large. Most were that medium size we typically find in a pumpkin. Perhaps the sizeof the seedling IS related to the size of the planted seed. All seed from same source, purchased last year, and kept the same here. ANyway . . . .

I made a video tour of my greenhouse.
It's about five minutes

Oh, I am sorry to miss this!!! I really hate dial up!!

Today I am making rhubarb jam! This is my fourth batch of the year and I'm hoping it will last us through the winter. My kids can't get enough fresh baked bread with butter and this jam!
Nothing better than rhubarb jam and butter on toast. Ah. . . a treasured childhood memory long forgotten!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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