What did you do in the garden today?

My husband helped me today get all of the seeds started. He's never helped before, but I started a lot more than I usually do.
54 plugs and 27 mini greenhouse pots.
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My husband isn't keen on planting and "faffing about in the garden" (as he calls it) but I'm lucky that he quite enjoys digging and using machinery so it works out well.
Good luck with the seeds, I've got some in similar things on my windowsills that are doing well.
lost all of tomato seedlings. I don't have the proper set up for them in the house so lack of light and cold killed them. luckily I have the seeds, some indeterminate red (for salad and cooking) and yellow pear. feher peppers sprouted and in 2 days I'll be able to take them out. I hope they survive till then. I am going to plant 2 other varieties of peppers, florina's (greek red horn) and red bell. I prefer red peppers. there are some green hybrids that remain green but I don't lake their taste.
This is my 3rd year trying tomatoes from seed, past two years I had no luck with them at all (they were one of the first things I tried because everyone seems to find them easy 😂). I'm hoping for better luck this year, now I have my little greenhouse in the garden 🤞. Good luck with the peppers, I haven't tried them yet as I don't think my season is really long/ hot enough for them, unless it's a really good year.
@BReeder! glad you're back! I wondered where you've been, and hoped all was well.

Yesterday I ordered 3 blueberry bushes, so I figured I better enlarge the blueberry plot. I got most of it dug out. The rest of this week is supposed to be chilly and sometimes rainy, so I might not get back to it. My back won't mind....

Anyone every heard of Reubel blueberries? I never have, but they are supposed to be extra high in all the antioxidant good stuff. I've wanted more bushes, so why not get those?

DH got a fantastic "score" at work. One of their clients was throwing out 10' posts. 25 heavy duty, -\_/- shaped posts. They are going to be holding up fence to protect my garden soon. I have a post pounder, gonna need a ladder to reach the top! :yesss:
Today is the first time I've had a chance to come on since the end of last week. I've just caught up!
I've had a bust few days in the garden. Planted some flower seeds (cosmos, zinnia, dahlia ect) and some celery in my greenhouse. Didn't have any luck with the celery last year so 🤞, I'm open to any tips.
Also got my early potatoes, peas and sugar snaps in at my allotment garden as well as planting out my broad beans and sweet peas that I started at home.
Just watered my greenhouse and thought I would have a sit down outside with a cold juice to catch up on here. It's lovely weather here today.
A little cool this morning. Looks like a hard freeze in the overnight to early morning tomorrow. I have daffodils, tulips and lillies of the valley breaking through the dirt. Too windy to do garden work today but tomorrow looks to be a good day to put the hoops and plastic over the garden beds. I should be able to get enough posts down today to start running the fence wire for the chicken yard expansion. My San Marzano tomatoes are coming up now as are the okra. Best wishes to our friends in Texas and hope they were not affected by yesterday’s tornadoes.
73 yesterday and this morning the winds are howling at just over 50 and it's snowing.
I just....ugh.
Oh we get those days in north florida too, it's like ok it was 82 degrees this afternoon and you are telling me tomorrow night it will be 21 degrees out? WTF? March is always a bad month for us because of this right here. I think of every plant I have lost due to weather, it's been in March, because of this.

Edit: to be on the safe side, about a week or so ago, I had to go out in the middle of the night, close off a beehive and drag it into the garage to protect it. Im like oh god aaron do NOT trip, skip, hop, or DROP !! Normally this is not a problem with them but I just put them up a few days ago and knew they were not established yet so didn't want to kill off a hive due to frost.

Today is the first time I've had a chance to come on since the end of last week. I've just caught up!
I've had a bust few days in the garden. Planted some flower seeds (cosmos, zinnia, dahlia ect) and some celery in my greenhouse. Didn't have any luck with the celery last year so 🤞, I'm open to any tips.
Also got my early potatoes, peas and sugar snaps in at my allotment garden as well as planting out my broad beans and sweet peas that I started at home.
Just watered my greenhouse and thought I would have a sit down outside with a cold juice to catch up on here. It's lovely weather here today.
Celery takes an extra long time to sprout.
I took out plugs that were ready to plant, started another set of plugs and then when that stuff started to be ready to go out the celery was just starting to grow.
I grow Titus Celery what kind do you have?
The weekend condensed: We got the chicken run up and proofed. The coop is only partially done but the fluffy butts went out anyway! They're safe and we've left the heater out there for this (last?) cold snap. DH did the lion's share of the work as the weather turned windy Sunday morning and the kids absolutely could not be out in the blowing dust and debris. Today is still super windy! I've been doing chores with teeth clenched, mouth shut, and eyes squinted for three days.

The garden is showing signs of life! I've got radishes coming up. So far that's it, but I haven't been able to really get close down to the dirt and check. I've just been watering as fast as possible before running back inside.

I've planted some tomatoes, onions, carrots, radish, potatoes, peas, and beans. Now just need more planting space as I've completely run out.

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