What did you do in the garden today?

The Sunflowers are over 5 ft tall now and the Painted Mountain corn is pushing the 7 ft mark. The Blue Lake Bush beans are starting to bloom and, finally, a watermelon (Charleston Gray).
What I'm wondering really is if the plants will survive. I know they have hollow trunks and I'm wondering what's going to happen when that dead tip falls off.
Think I'll leave those to grow just to see what happens, but plant new ones. Pretty sure my male died too.
Some people cut the tips off the papaya plant as it grows and let one shoot grow back. They do it about 3 to 4 times. They do this to make the stem thicker.............

Another method that seem crazy is they divide the bottom of the stem, so the fruit get less water which makes it sweeter. This is an interesting foreign research video translated into English.

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Rain let up late this afternoon. Cleaned up the coop a bit. If I understood it right the chickens molt a bit at this point in their lives, as there are a lot of feathers in the coop. They seem relaxed most times I see and interact with them. All 8 were on the roosts this AM, kind of neat.

If I had to rebuild the coop, I would have windows that open/close from the outside. I feel like my wet feet are dragging moisture into the coop when I go to open/close the windows. I hope the bedding dries out soon. (It’s a little damp, not wet wet.). They’re 12 weeks now and seeming to get more and more hungry!

Beans and corn are in the way up, sunflowers survived our digging efforts to put edging in(12-14ft bigguns) as they’ve sprung out of the ground. Kale and chard are getting sown tomorrow AM. Looking forward to beets being sown in July as we missed our early sow date. I prepped the community garden beds for my absolutely haggard tobacco plants. I want to try and roll cigars at the end of the year. Those plants only take 2 months to mature, surprisingly. Lots of large herb plants down there but that bed needs weeding out. Lupines are out!

All the best.
I'm so curious how your cigars will turn out! Hope you share how it goes 😃
Hello! It's been a long time. I hope everybody's garden's are doing well.

Ours it's a mixed bag this year - since it's doing great and some is not. My tomatoes did not start well twice over. So most are direct sowed and just a few inches tall so far. They should be several feet now, but we will eventually get tomatoes at least. I planted all the scarlet runner beans that came in a pack, which was just 10 brand I think. It looks like only 3 are actually growing. Apparently I failed to plant half the row of snow peas. I could probably sneak them in late still though. And of the 3 varieties of cucumbers 2 are doing well and one had 3 or 4 plants fail - the plants actually disappeared so maybe something ate them. The other thing that's having issues is the shallots - these were an experimental planting though and I used store bought shallots. 3 or 4 are growing, but we planted approx. 20.
Potatoes are growing very well - many are flowing now. Onions and garlic seem to be doing well. The garlic I planted is store bought and two different varieties, one of which is growing HUGE plants and hopefully large tasty bulbs to match. We have plenty of lettuce. Zucchini is flowering. Eggplant has been flowering although I removed the first set of flowers to let the plants get bigger. Radishes are great - french breakfast variety has been pleasing this year. We have pumpkin and watermelon vines that are started and should be taking off any day. Carrots are hopeful - maybe I'll finally be successful in growing them. And the strawberry patch! It is doing well this year and is certainly the kids favorite part of the garden.
Hello! It's been a long time. I hope everybody's garden's are doing well.

Ours it's a mixed bag this year - since it's doing great and some is not. My tomatoes did not start well twice over. So most are direct sowed and just a few inches tall so far. They should be several feet now, but we will eventually get tomatoes at least. I planted all the scarlet runner beans that came in a pack, which was just 10 brand I think. It looks like only 3 are actually growing. Apparently I failed to plant half the row of snow peas. I could probably sneak them in late still though. And of the 3 varieties of cucumbers 2 are doing well and one had 3 or 4 plants fail - the plants actually disappeared so maybe something ate them. The other thing that's having issues is the shallots - these were an experimental planting though and I used store bought shallots. 3 or 4 are growing, but we planted approx. 20.
Potatoes are growing very well - many are flowing now. Onions and garlic seem to be doing well. The garlic I planted is store bought and two different varieties, one of which is growing HUGE plants and hopefully large tasty bulbs to match. We have plenty of lettuce. Zucchini is flowering. Eggplant has been flowering although I removed the first set of flowers to let the plants get bigger. Radishes are great - french breakfast variety has been pleasing this year. We have pumpkin and watermelon vines that are started and should be taking off any day. Carrots are hopeful - maybe I'll finally be successful in growing them. And the strawberry patch! It is doing well this year and is certainly the kids favorite part of the garden.
Nice to hear about your garden! Hopefully you get some nice carrots, since I think that’s been less successful in the past. You noted only 10 seeds in a pack. I’ve noticed several packs of seeds with small amounts in them - less than in the past? Or I’ve just picked hybrids that are more pricey (so they put less in them to keep cost lower)? :idunno

Sweet potato slips have not arrived yet. Hoping soon. I cannot check on the shipment bc it’s an old school business..print out order form, send in check. I did get a confirmation in the mail a few months ago with my number in line, but when I ordered I said “no subs” so maybe that is the delay. But, I only ordered 4 varieties, ones that were high production types. But, if they arrive alive/healthy, they will LOVE the HOT weather this week.
I go outside at night with out a shirt and don't get bite, since I replaced my UV and bait on my 3/4 acre Dyna Trap, so its definitely working.
Just wanted to share with yall...my husband started taking odorless garlic pills a few years ago for health benefits. A side effect of that is that he has NOT gotten a single bug bite iir tick in 3 years!!! They are odorless so when he sweats you don't smell garlic on him. Win win!!!
And he used to get eat up just walking to the car and house with his poor bald head...not anymore!
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I did some searching and found a 1 acre unit on Bed Bath and Beyond reasonably priced ($112) so I pulled the trigger on it. But frankly, I’d pay full price at this point. The mosquitos and black fly are so bad that being outside is not enjoyable. We can’t sit and have an evening drink, watch chicken antics, have a fire without suffering…even the dogs bark and whine to go inside.
So, again, thank you. I hope this is as good as the reviews say.
Wow, let us know how it does. I can see getting one of those too.
Hello! It's been a long time.
@BReeder! I was starting to worry about you! Glad you are well, and at least some of your garden is thriving.

I'm hoping DH isn't too sore and that we get a few more posts put in on the fence project. He was the one doing the pounding. Yeah, it's just lifting and dropping the pounder, but the thing weighs 40-50 pounds and he has to lift it over his head because the posts are 10' long.

They were one of his "scores" from work. They had to make and install Covid signs for a local hospital. When the hospital was done with the signs, they didn't want the posts. So I got 25 heavy duty posts, for the hauling away.

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