What did you do in the garden today?

Nope. Lesson learned.
That's ok. I got it up in time for this year's plants, more lessons learned there.
I am planning on a more solidly built structure/covering now, paneling and steel.
Dug 4 sweet potato plants. ONE MASSIVE potato that looks like everything under the crown grew into one massive beast. The whole harvest was only 9 pounds. I'm not surprised. Severe drought, insane heat, grasshoppers, broken (unknown to me) irrigation branch to them. But for what i paid for starts and time, lost $$ on them this year.

Only 78 out there and the air is as dry as it can get. Harvest dust is making it hazy out. It feels more like 90 in the sun.
From this pile of chips:

To this:

This is the heavy soil garden. This should help!
I see a high spot in there. I expect it will be leveled out by tomorrow
:gigI'm probably done up there now. I have a lot of stuff I still need to do in the sandy soil garden.

I have 2 rows of potatoes to dig, some carrots too. I might get a few more cherry tomatoes. And I have some beans I left on the plants to ripen for seed. I want to dig two more hugel trenches and put in a bunch more worm hotels.

And then there are the weeds... :rolleyes:

Be safe, Aaron!
I’ve been back at work for a few weeks, and my poor garden misses me. How many of you maintain a garden while working full time? The cold, short, rainy nights we’ve been getting certainly haven’t helped since it seems to start raining around 3 almost daily and then it’s dark by 7. We’ve had kids athletic events every Saturday and rainy sundays too. Boo.

I miss the summer.
I do. Two jobs too. Its not as much fun as when you have time to devote to it. But i only have a few beds and containers. Nothing huge.
Apparently Im doing a fall garden after all. I wasn't really planning on it but kiddo says he would help eat it. I lost rather large amounts of green beans due to no one eating them. I couldve frozen them but would forget to put them in the freezer. Actually i thought you had to blanch them first.
do you have to blanch them first? Or is just better to do that, instead of necessary?

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