What did you do in the garden today?

Ooooo.....thinking about ordering some mesh produce bags to use with my cantaloupe, watermelons, and pumpkins on the vertical trellis. 🤔
I've never had anything bother pumpkins much. I've seen bite marks on butternut, but it seemed like that wasn't muvh liked either by the mouse or squirrel that bit it because it was just one bite, not a big hole.
I cannot spoken for melons, but think the rind would help protect them. I just haven't had success yet in growing them beyond a tiny green melon that was far from ripe - it didn't get chewed on by anything though either.
The only thing that ever bothered my squash was the chickens, they at them right off the vine. I was soooo mad !!

Potato's, go very easy on the nitrogen. you'll get HUGE plants with HUGE lush leaves, but very little in the root... because it put all it's energy into the leaves, because of all the nitrogen you gave it ! I honestly can't tell you what works best for taters, because they are a nemesis of mine for some reason, but I sure as day can write a book on what does NOT work with them :/ They like potassium / phosphates though. TSP / Banana leaves, or when the banana poops it's fruit shoot, lop the trunk down and grind it into your soil with the taters and they will do exceptionally well. I have a friend who i recommended this to and it works wonders for him. nanners are high in potassium.

Based on my You tube research, I conclude that the sun gold cherry tomato is something that I must have....................................while I am at it, I might as well add sun sugar and black truffle tomato seeds.................done, arriving Friday.

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Gardening for today:
I cut the four 2x12s that will be used to make a box to raise the harbor freight greenhouse so I can walk in it more comfortably. And now I'm looking for a solar fan kit with a thermostat to use to add airflow to the greenhouse.
I ran mine, with the door open and all the vents open on the worst days, with a full house stand fan blowing away in there.
Not being mean at all. Nobody is tearing anyone down either.
sometimes natures lessons are hard. Those who are too soft, perhaps should not interfere in nature.

Did you even follow the entire thread or are you just commenting half informed again, like the dusty mouse trap one?
Another shining example of your stellar personality. Thank you, can I have another?
I knew that. Onions are actually just specialized leaves. Now I'm wondering if it is the same for garlic though?
A quick Google search tells me that garlic should have fertilizer high in nitrogen.
Oh, duh, I should have remembered that. Thanks.
I cannot spoken for melons, but think the rind would help protect them. I just haven't had success yet in growing them beyond a tiny green melon that was far from ripe - it didn't get chewed on by anything though either.
Groundhogs have wreaked my melons on many occasion. They'll eat half of it when it's still shy of ripe, and piss me off. I'm getting even though... not planting any! HA!
nanners are high in potassium.
Are the skins, as well? Obviously, I don't grow bananas here in Michigan, but I eat a lot of them. Maybe I should start saving the skins in the freezer now, so that I can bury them with the 'maters in June.
I've never had anything bother pumpkins much. I've seen bite marks on butternut, but it seemed like that wasn't muvh liked either by the mouse or squirrel that bit it because it was just one bite, not a big hole.
I cannot spoken for melons, but think the rind would help protect them. I just haven't had success yet in growing them beyond a tiny green melon that was far from ripe - it didn't get chewed on by anything though either.
This wouldn't be to protect against critters but to support the weight of the fruit as it grows on the trellis. I've done vertical gardening with melons before and used homemade slings which still caused rot. I'm hoping the mesh produce bags (20" x 24") will work better. Plus I can use them for mushroom hunting... 😉

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