What did you do in the garden today?

House plants...I have too many, always plants producing more plants, always something sprouting, always something needing to be transplanted, always something that I come across in my travels that was nearly dead & now rescued/recovering, too. There's a slider in the kitchen with the most sunlight, so I know I need to move this stuff at some point, but "for now" it's in my messed up kitchen lol.

My mom's African Violet, from the 1970s & still blooming
3 types of cactus, Christmas & Thanksgiving, but they bloom year round pretty much
More Spider Plant "babies" growing roots in a pan of water, I give them away, good fresh air plants
Another plant from the 1970s

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Aloe I've had since 1985
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Today I worked on getting the last of the annual flowers in the ground. I had a few winter sown foxgloves and coreopsis so I planted those with some of the older ones that are blooming now. Still got some winter sown sweet williams, purple coneflowers and hollyhocks to get in the ground. Those will bloom next year but they reseed and come back! I still save seed and grow some every few years to make sure.

When I got through planting and watering everything in I was pooped!

Daylilies have started blooming.
View attachment 3839725
View attachment 3839728

Older foxgloves.
View attachment 3839731
Gorgeous! I love the pine needles, too.
Wow, did y'all notice the moon last night? So bright! I had moonlight streaming in at 3am, thought it was someone's headlights...half asleep I wondered who would be driving around my in my yard? 😆 I got up & saw the biggest, brightest moon shining. I could not get back to sleep so I cleaned up as quietly as possible, not to wake DH, & proceeded to wash & crate eggs for market. The moon started to turn into a golden orb before disappearing. What's funny is...as soon as my Roosters see me turn on Any Light in the house, they start crowing, All Of Them. I Love Crowing, makes me smile, but I hope no neighbors get ticked off. I guess it depends which way the wind blows to carry the sound, as to who hears them. Anyway...the moon was awesome.

We are busting butt all week to finish a job, so not much gardening, other than watering when I get home, til next week.
Have a good one! 👍
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Today I worked on getting the last of the annual flowers in the ground. I had a few winter sown foxgloves and coreopsis so I planted those with some of the older ones that are blooming now. Still got some winter sown sweet williams, purple coneflowers and hollyhocks to get in the ground. Those will bloom next year but they reseed and come back! I still save seed and grow some every few years to make sure.

When I got through planting and watering everything in I was pooped!

Daylilies have started blooming.
View attachment 3839725
View attachment 3839728

Older foxgloves.
View attachment 3839731
I bought what I thought was crocus (long time ago). Seeing your makes me wonder if they are day lilies 🤔


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I waged war on the roly polies with diatemacious earth today! 😈

My butternut squash and canteloupe plants are flowering! No female flowers yet on either. My first squash flower should open tomorrow!

I also have some cucumbers starting to germinate!

I am still trying to learn how to grow a garden in Texas. I am new to this 90 degree weather!
Are you talking about these bugs?

We call them Tubs, Tubbies or Roly Poly bugs...we've got gazillions of them, but I never minded them. They seem to just hang out, aerating soil, preferably in moist shade under rocks, etc. They haven't really done anything destructive here, as far I know...or am I wrong? I'd rather see those fire ants, ear wigs, black widows & hobo spiders gone more than anything. While watering the seedlings after work yesterday, Something crawled up inside my pant leg & bit me on the butt cheek, right where the underwear line is. Probably a fire ant, got a painful, darn welt on my butt cheek now. 😠
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I bought what I thought was crocus (long time ago). Seeing your makes me wonder if they are day lilies 🤔
You have Day Lilies. The crocus have less leaves & leaves are smaller.
These are crocus, usually only bloom early spring. Both are gorgeous though, your lilies look great & they have a much longer bloom time, too. Screenshot_20240522_055509_DuckDuckGo.jpg
I ordered a bunch of new dahlia bulbs this spring since all my bulbs from last year rotted in the storage box to dust.

Well this morning I noticed that one bed had still not sprouted. I had 3 bulbs in that bed. I decided to dig them up to see what's going on with them. Guess what? They've ROTTED in the bed. Assuming because of how much rain and heat we had. I'm so disappointed. In the other raised beds I've noticed that there are easily 1-2 bulbs in each of those beds also haven't sprouted... Those probably rotted too.

About to give up entirely on dahlias.
I tried the "Dinner Plate Dahlias" many years ago (the 80s) & they did nothing, diddly squat. Not sure why. Ticked me off. Marigolds always did Fantastic so I always have plenty of those.
Are you talking about these bugs?
View attachment 3840047

We call them Tubs, Tubbies or Roly Poly bugs...we've got gazillions of them, but I never minded them. They seem to just hang out, aerating soil, preferably in moist shade under rocks, etc. They haven't really done anything destructive here, as far I know...or am I wrong? I'd rather see those fire ants, ear wigs, black widows & hobo spiders gone more than anything. While watering the seedlings after work yesterday, Something crawled up inside my pant leg & bit me on the butt cheek, right where the underwear line is. Probably a fire ant, got a painful, darn welt on my butt cheek now. 😠
On the side, my chicks won’t eat these. I wonder why? Would help a lot
Planting pre-germinated carrot seeds suspended in cornstarch gel out of the corner of a plastic bag. I'm going to try this method next time I plant carrots.

Thanks! He is right- you really need to baby the carrot seeds to get them to germinate. We have pretty good success with carrots, but we do try to keep them moist daily until true carrot leaves appear, so it’s a task that can get forgotten. I may try this for the last section of carrots that needs planting!

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