What did you do in the garden today?

Glad to see some of you still have the green thumb going. My wife picked what was left of the crops a couple weeks ago ahead of a major freeze, then turned the garden over to our feathered tilling crew. We had a bumper winter squash crop, and she has been gradually drying and putting up the last of the tomatoes, peppers, apples and herbs while handling most of the other chores since an accident sidelined me for the last couple months. I hope to be back in action by year's end attending to the myriad of projects unfinished from the summer (weather willing!)
Hope you get healed up soon. It's so hard when you've got lots to do, but are unable to do it due to physical injuries/limitations. I can definitely sympathize with you.
I did it! I managed to keep poinsettias alive for almost a year and now they’re turning red!!!

They look great! I read how to do that before, but sounded a little intimidating. Don't you have to keep them in the dark for quite awhile, among other things? Yours really look good - do you think they'll be red by Christmas?
Thanks! :D
I read how to do it and decided I didn’t have time or space to fool around with it. Mine have been out side since about mid January. I haven’t done anything special to them except move them to 5 gallon pots. Those pics were about a week ago, they’re a decent bit redder now so I think they probably will be red by Christmas.
igorsMistress, post:
@GardenTillers44 hoping you're back on your feet soon! I hate getting hurt, but when it puts work on hold that just makes it harder.

Thanks y'all. Believe it or not, it happened in the chicken run trying to corral our big roo so my wife could work on one of the hens. He surprised me and flew right into my face knocking me backward. I did my best imitation of Chevy Chase in a SNL pratfall except it tore some ligaments in my lower back. My wife keeps telling me it can't be as bad as her childbirth. I wouldn't dare to comment on that, but I do remember her smiling quite a bit not long after...

We prepped the last of our apples and got some Melrose and Golden Delicious from a neighbor to add to our Granny Smiths for some epic applesauce and apple butter. The secret ingredient is a few apricots. We already dried 2 gallons of slices. The dried Granny Smiths are wonderful!
Working on a little gold mine across the road .... neighbor feed his cattle in the same 4 spots for over 4 years now and guess what ? He asked the other day if I wanted to clean up his feed areas = free 4 year old compost ! So for the past 3 days I've been on the tractor piling up and transporting over to my place . Have put alot of it on new garden area for next year and have at the moment a pile 6 foot tall and 12 feet wide !!!

This stuff is beautiful black broke down compost already . I still have another neighbor I need to get around to getting their horse manure pile !
Working on a little gold mine across the road .... neighbor feed his cattle in the same 4 spots for over 4 years now and guess what ? He asked the other day if I wanted to clean up his feed areas = free 4 year old compost ! So for the past 3 days I've been on the tractor piling up and transporting over to my place . Have put alot of it on new garden area for next year and have at the moment a pile 6 foot tall and 12 feet wide !!!

This stuff is beautiful black broke down compost already . I still have another neighbor I need to get around to getting their horse manure pile !

great for you, great luck nice way to get in good with neighbors

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