What did you do in the garden today?


Sorry Easterners..... Don't be hatin!

I just can't start good herb plants...

Many tomatoes are laying in wait!

Squash, cukes, and Zukes have grown about an inch per day since I moved them outside, after last rain storms.

The only white stuff we see........ whispy clouds!!!!!
WAITING AND WAITING; Sorry Easterners..... Don't be hatin! [COLOR=FF0000]I just can't start good herb plants...[/COLOR] Many tomatoes are laying in wait! Squash, cukes, and Zukes have grown about an inch per day since I moved them outside, after last rain storms. The only white stuff we see........ whispy clouds!!!!!
I am hatin'! Lol. At this rate I'm thinking the snow will be gone sometime in mid-August.
Hosspak, You are one cruel, taunting man! For shame!!!!!! May your garden be inundated with weeds before the white nitrogen blanket gets rolled back off of our Eastern garden beds! Not really... after all, that's what mulch is for! Seriously, I love the pics, and have to live vicariously through them! I see you use those little netted peat ball thingies to start some of your seedlings. I've never had luck with them. All I can grow in them is algae and fungus.
I just can't start good herb plants...
Bummer, I can start herb plants but have difficulty with all the other stuff!
Hosspak: What herbs are you starting? Do I see parsley? That is one plant that does not like to be transplanted. It does start well in cool soil. I bet you could get your herbs going well right in your garden beds with milk jugs over them. What are your night time temps now?? We're in a heat wave. It's only going down to 14 tonight.
It has been the most beautiful spring day here in Lincolnshire UK. I have planted lettuce, radishes, spinach beet, onions and some indoor tomatoes. I have some tomato plants that are about 3 inches high and I planted them in January. After all the rain, flooding, winds and storms it is lovely to see such a day!
It is 74 out and I'm taking a break from unloading a yard of heavy wet dirt into raised beds in the garden.
I had to restart my peppers. I have no idea what happened to the first set. The ones that didn't die are still only about 1/2" tall and have one true leaf. Funky.
Tomatoes have been doing fine, but they seem to have stopped growing out on deck.

I think I'll get some weed fabric down on the raised beds tomorrow, lay out the water lines, then go get a yard of mulch to put on top of the weed fabric. Then plant the tomato seedlings this weekend. We should be past the low 40's and lower nights after this cold dip this week.
Siting here sorting seed packets dreaming of sunshine and warm weather. Garden still under a foot of snow, despite the air temps of about 47. Chickens finally trying to scratch through the snow to get to dirt (they too have about a foot to get down to dirt).

Up here in N. IL, I *typically* plant spinach and peas on St. Patrick's Day. This year, it's not looking likely. Foot of snow on beds; frozen solid soil; supposed to get another 4" of snow by the date.....

Is Spring EVER going to come?!
Painted the inside of the pallet composters that the DH made me. I hope the coat of paint will slow the inevitable rot of the wood. Next time will make them out of block. Keeping the newly sown seeds and emerging seedlings in my big pots moist is a challenge since it's already in the 80s.
Cleaning out a closet I found seed packets from 1995 and 1988! Why did I keep such old seeds?
Nothing to loose but some potting space I threw them in the soil and keep them watered. Surprise! The purple and sweet basil from 1995 came up and are getting their true leaves. Nature is amazing. Not sure if the older seeds will sprout. There were beets, zuccs, and chive onions. I put them in with some elephant garlic bulbs so I'll keep watch for a couple of weeks to see if anything pops out...

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