What did you do in the garden today?

Well I was hoping to expand the bed for my strawberries, they are everywhere. But it snowed yesterday, however the weather says it will be 60 today so we'll see. Started more tomato and pepper yesterday, transplanted huckleberry and thinned my starts today.
Got everything but the sunflowers planted in the big garden today.

and no marigolds this year.
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We, too, have had crazy weather here in South Carolina; rainy, cold, summery, you know. the whole spectrum. I got potatoes in two weeks ago, and garlic and beets planted last week. DH put in more hops (he homebrews). I have tomato and hot pepper plants started inside, and will get basil and corn started this week (the fire ants eat the corn seeds, so I have to start them inside
). The ground's been too gloppy to till, and the one day it wasn't the tiller wouldn't start (even though it worked fine two weeks prior).

But the next couple of days are going to be warm and sunny and come hellorhighwater something's getting planted!
I'm still in the planning phase (we still have 2' of snow), but my plans may be in vain. We are suppose to regrade the property to allow for full sized windows downstairs. Well finances being what they Are, it may not happen this year. Unfortunately I can't do my new vegetable and fruit beds until we've regraded because the trucks need to pass through that area. No way around it. I'm really bummed. Another year with a 10'x10' bed which barely feeds our family, let alone enough to sell.
The weather is still up and down here but the peas and spinach we planted have finally broken the surface enough where you can see 4 green lines in the garden! We got a lot of rain last Saturday and they are calling for sunny and warm all week so they should really take off. Can't wait for fresh garden veggies again.
They are both planted up next to my fence! =)
always keep in mind that.. you have to get right in there or they will spread all over. unless you want them to spread. but put some markers. people always avoid them while mowing cause they hurt and then every year they gain ground!

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