What did you do in the garden today?

Weeded the same area I weeded a week ago. And the week before that. Thousands of those lil buggers. Mulch is out of the question, these weeds will push through mulch like it's candy for nom-ing. This is the area with the snow/sugar peas. The rest of the garden won't be so bad, I can just hoe them out of existence before I plant.
Weeded the same area I weeded a week ago. And the week before that. Thousands of those lil buggers. Mulch is out of the question, these weeds will push through mulch like it's candy for nom-ing. This is the area with the snow/sugar peas. The rest of the garden won't be so bad, I can just hoe them out of existence before I plant.

This may not be to your liking and only a suggestion but a weed preventer like preen would make life easier in that pea patch. Many prefer no chemicals but I use preen to save a lot of weeding.
I made a trip to the nursery yesterday and bought trees. Pecan,English walnut,paw paw plus a Goji and 2 Prime Ark blackberries. Going out to till and plant peas. I will use preen also. I will also use roundup on the rest of garden to eliminate existing weeds before tilling in a week or so.
I made a trip to the nursery yesterday and bought trees. Pecan,English walnut,paw paw plus a Goji and 2 Prime Ark blackberries. Going out to till and plant peas. I will use preen also. I will also use roundup on the rest of garden to eliminate existing weeds before tilling in a week or so.
I would use caution if using Round-up in a future planting site. That stuff works up to a year (my experience) to kill off everything in that area.
Last Sunday I had planted sunflowers, sorghum, gourds, cucumbers, green beans, carrots, lettuce, radishes and beets. Today I got more beets, more green beans (I had run out of seeds
), eggplant, marigolds, broccoli, and borage.

The potatoes and edemame I planted last month are coming on strong. Strawberries are blooming, bees happily buzzing amongst the blueberries blossoms, and the hops and sage and thyme look good. It's actually beginning to look like a garden up there!

Round-up does not work for me.. I have been trying for 9 years straight to kill off some horse nettle (Solanum carolinense).. it laughs at Round-up and every other weedkiller I have tried.. and you can't yank it up since it spreads by root division.. I have resorted to laying paving stones and concrete over it.. so far it seems to be working.. but that darn stuff if evil....
I was turning my compost pile today and found these black soldier fly larvae.

Since there are several sizes there must have been more than one female lay her eggs in the compost pile. These larvae went into my BSF barrel to eventually feed my chickens, quail and tilapia.
I pruned my blackberry, and raspberry plants. Dug up the dead blueberry plants and prepared the soil for some new plants that just arrived in the mail. We pruned trees and cleaned the chicken house. I am exhausted!!!
We got rid of the snow cover long enough for me to get some radish, kale, carrot, pea, and arugula seeds in the ground a couple days ago. I also spread some plantain seeds I gathered from the field last fall. I'm hoping they'll do well in the semi-trampled area around my beds. Might be a bit more snow coming tonight. I have some pieces of old canvas dam spread out to smother weeds, and I just rolled it back to get to the soil I wanted to work early. So if we get a light freeze tonight, I can just unroll that stuff again and it should protect the germinating seeds a little. No sprouts yet, so I don't have to worry about crushing them.

My tomato and pepper seedlings are doing well - I've been feeding them worm casting tea and they seem to like it. I also used bigger seed-starting pots this year. I've got a few peat pellets left over from an experiment two springs ago, so I think I'll use them up and start some onion seeds today.

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