What did you do in the garden today?

I walked out to my garden yesterday... BOOM! it is almost ready to harvest.
Like.. overnight! we had a hard rain and I was expecting beaten up plants. But instead they were just twice as big. I suppose all of the atmospheric nitrogen from the rain was just what they needed.

now i am thinking that I better start canning before it all bolts from the heat.

Strange how we all have either Hot or cold.
I missed spring.
I blinked or something.
I walked out to my garden yesterday... BOOM! it is almost ready to harvest.
Like.. overnight! we had a hard rain and I was expecting beaten up plants. But instead they were just twice as big. I suppose all of the atmospheric nitrogen from the rain was just what they needed.

now i am thinking that I better start canning before it all bolts from the heat.

Strange how we all have either Hot or cold.
I missed spring.
I blinked or something.
Same here, we are getting just the right amount of rain every few days and not hard rains just nice soaking rain. Every time I look at the garden all the plants are bigger and bigger. On the down side I found a few cabbage worms on the broccoli yesterday, had to break out the dipel powder.
It is Dipel time here too.I walked through today with the scissors snipping them in half.

I thought I would pick enough lettuce and spinach for tonight's supper, and I had to come home early and start washing all of the produce. My Jericho lettuce that is suppose to with stand the hot Israeli summers is BOLTING. It was not doing that yesterday.

And the entire time I kept thinking,"It's snowing still in Pennsylvania."
Tomorrow I weed. The lettuce is not the only thing that enjoyed the rain.
We raked up some rocks... our front yard is seriously 1/2 rocks so we are getting rid of them to hopefully allow grass to grow!
@MountainSeramas I will be fine with anything green growing LOL but your a little far from me =P
i did nothing today. Tomorrow i'll put my mini green house with seedlings in it back outside. Luckily i had only about 5 jalapeno seedlings on the bottom shelf. Since our cat decided they are super fun to play with.
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I got some corn planted. I have to start corn inside (the fire ants LOVE germinated kernels) and had 4 about to take over the sunny spot, so they had to go out. I got more corn started in pots and hopefully will get those out in a week or so.

It always amazes me that, no matte how well I water the garden, rain makes such a difference. I swear I had bare ground before the showers the other day, and now everything's coming up (well, almost everything!).

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